Breed help needed


Nov 21, 2018
Hi, Unfortunately some of our Welsh Harlequin and Khaki Cambell eggs got mixed up. Can anyone tell me the breed of these 2 cuties?

Thank you
Not a duck expert over here, so someone please provide correction if I'm completely off track....but they both look like mixes to me. :) Drakes need to molt into their breeding plumage before displaying a neck ring. Which brings me to the conclusion, there don't seem to be any pure breeds that exhibit white on the neck immediately upon feathering in. Also, I'm spotting faint striping on the other's face, which isn't a Khaki trait.

Once again, feel free to correct me! :D

These look mixed to me, too. The dark one is too dark in color for both Khaki Campbells and Welsh Harlequins. The lighter one isn't quite right for those breeds, either. So either some mixing has taken place or these are just off colored examples of those breeds.

The white neck would be more characteristic of a Welsh Harlequin, so that one could be a cross of that breed or maybe an off colored sport. The tan color of the other duckling is more characteristic of a Khaki Campbell, so it could be a KC cross or off colored example. Or maybe they are both breeds crossed together. Perhaps when they feather out it will be easier to tell what is up with them.
Neck rings showed on my harlequins (male and female) starting like this before breeding plumage came in.

I also thought color was off a bit... but went with it. :pop
I had no idea! :) My Snowy/Pastel/Blue Fawn Call ducks and Mallards didn't develop true neck rings until after their first molt, so that's probably why I answered the way I did. :D


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