Breed pronunciation


12 Years
Sep 23, 2007
SE Texas
So, I see I am not the only one questioning myself w/breed let's start a list of breeds we have ?'s about and see if someone will be kind enough to help us out!
Rouen - I say 'ruin', but I know alot say 'roan' or 'rowin'
Wyandotte - Feed store lady said 'Y-an-dot' I thought 'Y-an-dough-te' - which is it?
I was wondering about Marans. Is it merrins or mer anns or mar ons? I've never heard it said before. I had wondered about wyandottes too. the gal that sold me my wyandottes called them the way it's spelled, so that was always how I said it until now.

Araucana = [ar-uh-kah-nuh]

Rouen = [roo-ahn]

I am not sure about Marans. I guess you would say it like it looks [mar-an]?
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I think this should be stickied. . . I never know how to pronounce half the chicken names, but I spell them. . .

How about some ducks and geese-

Anyone know Cayuga - I say it just like it look CAY-oo-ga

I did learn Embden is M-den

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