- Jul 17, 2012
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- 37
- 101
we lost our rooster over the summer (profile pic)... We didnt want a rooster, but we ended up with a seabright... Pretty, but when it came time to defend the flock he wasnt much of a fight for whatever got him... I guarentee he tried tho... Once had a small plane fly nearby and when he heard it he made a noise and the ladies were gone quickly while he stood and stared down what he thought to be a threat... Long story short we learned the value of a rooster and saught to replace the little guy... With a big guy who stood a chance defending the flock... After some research, i settled on our buff brahma named duke... Ordered him from meyer hatcher with a couple of barred rock females... They all arrived healthy and happy and seem to be doing fine 2 months later, but the more i read about hatcherys the more concerned i get... Read of hatcherys selling lower quality birds to individuals like myself... Whatever... But when i ordered our newest members i noticed it said we would be getting a "breed representative" or some such thing... What do they mean by this??? Not "the breed" a "representative of the breed" .... Sounds like im being screwed here, whats the deal??