Breed suggestions for a chicken newbie

My leghorns (I have 2) and golden comets


the barred rocks i have do well in heat i'm in louisiana,i have three and they each lay over 20 eggs a month
I'm partial to Dominiques. A Heritage breed suited to all climates. Calm, docile and good layers.
This is "Sally the First" and "Sally the Second". (I couldn't tell them apart when they were younger so I named them both Sally. Now, Sally the First is my bestest girl.

Barred Rocks are great birds if they are good with the heat (which a couple have said they can be here). Maybe its an acclimation thing but mine freak out any time it gets over 90...yet they're completely happy in 0 degree weather.
I couldn't imagine only having to choose 3.
I personally think that you can't go wrong with Orpingtons. They are so full of personality and are excellent layers. We get extremely humid and hot days here in the summer, any chicken you get will be hot, and need shade and water to keep cool. Leghorns are great layers, but are extremely flighty. Australorps are great layers and also great personality. And you can never go wrong with either an Ameraucana or at the very least an Easter Egger mix that gives you blue/green eggs.

Some of my favorite birds in my flock are the mutts and mixes.
i have one that i seen this summer,when it got really hot she would stand in an ice cream bucket of water.first time i ever seen a bird cool themselves like that. i was like o.k. so u know how to keep cool

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