Breed suggestions


In the Brooder
Jul 26, 2016
Central FL
Hey everyone, I'm new to BYC but I've been around chickens my whole life. I usually just buy whatever my local feed store has in the spring but I want something different this time. Something a little more rare. I currently have 3 Barred rock hens. they are 4 years old HUGE and pushy as hell. The biggest frequently chases my 2 year old.

I'm looking to add in about 5 or 6 more hens. I live in Central FL so a good heat tolerant variety would be great. I don't care about them laying tons of eggs or the color of the eggs. I more or less just enjoy watching them scratch around the yard and would like to raise a few really pretty varieties. They need to be able to stand up against Big Bertha (as we have dubbed her).

Thank you.
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Hi FLchickenmama, I have a young barred rock and hope she doesn't grow up to be pushy! Because I have a Rhode Island Red that's pushy. Anyway, I suggest you look at all the breed reviews, they're full of info, photos, advice, etc. There are forums on specific breeds as well. I love to go to county fairs and see the poultry displays and talk to all the chicken people. There are a lot of them here in July and Aug, I don't know about in FL, tho I used to live in Melbourne before my chicken days. Good luck!
Hi FLchickenmama, I have a young barred rock and hope she doesn't grow up to be pushy! Because I have a Rhode Island Red that's pushy. Anyway, I suggest you look at all the breed reviews, they're full of info, photos, advice, etc. There are forums on specific breeds as well. I love to go to county fairs and see the poultry displays and talk to all the chicken people. There are a lot of them here in July and Aug, I don't know about in FL, tho I used to live in Melbourne before my chicken days. Good luck!
Thank you those are good suggestions. Ill check my Ag extension and see if we are having any poultry shows soon. If not I guess I have to wait until our 4H and FFA have the fair.

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