Breeding Aseels

Fertility issue may be do to things other than infertility. Egg handling or settings in incubator. I make no claims to my skills with an incubator as still learning, now from someone that hatches thousands annually. I might know something of value on incubator use in another decade. I just took my first run with a GQF Incubator. I still have trouble turning it off properly.

Some lines may be inbred in a manner that impacts fertility. It can also impact other attributes not related to fertility such as size. Hen I was gifted comes from a line that lost size causing breeder to loose interest and give them away. The recipient outcrossed them with Gowdy Japs to restore size and vitality at expense of gaining attributes not consistent with Aseels. Those birds were line-bred back to the undersized pure Aseel making for a 7/8 Aseel x 1/8 Gowdy Jap keeping larger size and getting back to more what Aseels are supposed to look like. My stag comes from a pure Aseel line where size was not lost although feathering is rather nice for an Aseel. His family was selected under a colder climate where feather selection might have operated stronger for resistance to cold than what those at lower latitudes endure.

Could you post pictures of your Aseels?
This is my hen which hatched chicks yesterday
What do you mean? Eye colour is caused by genetics or the food they eat?
In mine, eye color should be white. it was white through the winter like Aseel eyes are typically. Then I put them on a diet that promotes egg hatch which has lots of carotenoids (vitaminers-A) which was followed by eye color change.

Diets you and others described for Aseel are very much low in available carotenoids. Diet and genetics interact to give observed eye color.
Yes there are different breeds/strains one is of old Pakistani bloodline lakha colour and the the other is sajra Mianwali (I am not 100% sure about breed so I have asked the breeder)
Okay that explains the differences in leg, back breath, Spurs and I think even beak... the Lakha looks like maybe black with white... not sure if we would say molted but maybe some sort of genetics that cause certain feathers to be white? Here the breeders for show are very picky about pure colors, different breeds often with same colors use different terms, different colors and color mixes with names often used by gamefowl keepers than say utility breeds or ornamental breeds... it can be very confusing and frustrating for folks.

I still have not figured out what Color my laying hen who will kill roosters as quick as any game fowl is... I know she carries the Blue gene, and the pictures do not do justice to her feather pattern with all the golds in it... so crossing her to my gold duck wing Phoenix boy when he is old enough... I will have to use Artificial Insemination though to protect the rooster, she breaks necks.

It doesn’t figure at all but my dung hill laying Ameraucana blue egg hen is most dangerous bird in the yard. 🤷‍♀️

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