Breeding Aseels

My brother reported today that three of his aseel chicks made separate attacks on his hand that shocked him for the level of aggression being so young. He said they attacked like ostriches or guineafowl, with their heads thrown forward and their little wings spread out and they bit his fingers as hard as they could, which wasn’t much given their age. He said one even charged all of the way across the brooder to engage him. I tried to envoke a similar response from mine and was unsuccessful.

We each checked the unhatched egg from each group and both eggs contained a dead chick that was mostly developed.

For my breeding project I‘m satisfied with three. Between us we have 8 and that should more than get the job done.
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My two will charge over and attack my hand especially if they think I am doing something to other chicks... they will keep trying too.

Hey on the Aseels do the pullets feather out faster than the cocks?
Stag came down with heavy worm load. Came close to loosing him. He is in third day of dewormer treatment regimen. Worms loosened and cleared. Appetite is coming back up nicely, but he is showing no interest in hen even though she is in lay.
I was recommended this for deworming my birds, do you think it will work? 1 ml per bird I was told
Feed mix is as close as I can get to diets used for Aseel in their region of origin. The rice component is also cooked.

When my chickens are not able to handle their worm burden, they are culled. I more often than not deworm them followed by a period to feed them back to good weight for slaughter.

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