Breeding Aseels

I think I see another reason for the Aseel's erect posture. It helps them dump hen when minimal airflow. Air gets heated when it comes into contact with hot blood infused skin under wings, then it can go up pulling marginally cooler air up from below to produce movement promoted by the heat the chickens are releasing. They are clearly more heat tolerant than similar sized American Dominique that differ for a variety of reasons.
My son is now training the Aseel hen and her chicks. She is taking meal from his hand. Will be start of process getting him and a stag he selects ready for 4H next year. He just said "I finally got her to take on out of my hand dad". Some pride there.

Chicks stay bunched up more than the American Games. The chicks have been eating a lot of ants. We likely have an a pound or so of ants per square yard.
Hatched 3 more Aseel using incubator. The eggs where 2 weeks old at start of run. Three of three.

Hen doing something I have not seen American Games do. Pellets that are too large she crushes systematically for chicks. She crushes even the larger insects where the American Games tear. Video needed to to show.

The Aseel hen also spending a lot more time in a giving area digging. American Games cover more ground instead.

Chicks roaming up to 30 feet from pen housing mom. Hawk bait so will move whole bunch to a different location.
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I offered earthworms to my pair in the brooder. As where they greedily take crickets and meal worms and will hunt them down within the confines of the brooder, they seemed simply puzzled by the worms and never ate them. They watched the worms closely as the worms attempted to either bury or escape. The cockerel finally started picked then up and shaking them but neither attempted to consume them. The worms ended up getting outside the brooder where my free range JFHs were waiting for them and gobbled them up.

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