Breeding for egg numbers and size?


9 Years
Feb 4, 2010
Glasgow, Scotland
Can anyone please explain how egg size and productivity are passed down to the next generation? I read that egg laying ability is passed on through the roo, is that true? And what about egg size?

Also I assume that breeding for utility is a more slow and time consuming process than breeding purely for looks. Because you'd want to assess birds for productivity before you started breeding from them. You couldn't just start breeding from birds soon after they reached maturity, right?

Any info or opinions on this subject would be most welcome!
Read the ALBC's website on improving productivity.

Next, read the book The Call of the Hen. It can be read online.

Then, get a copy of the Standard of Perfection .

Sorry, I have no short and sweet answer for this-check out the links I've given.

Good luck-

ps-Breeding for productivity should not have to be slower than breeding for looks, and, you need to wait until birds are fully mature either way to breed from them and expect to get good results.
Gallorojo - THANK YOU!!! Those are two fabulous links. Just the sort of things I was looking for. I have printed off the first one to read through and I will get stuck into the online book soon. Thank you so much. I asked my breeder's group about breeding for utility and I basically got the answer "Don't bother trying, it's probably not worth your while..." And that's about a breed that came into being basically to fulfil utility purposes...

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