Breeding mixed?


In the Brooder
May 9, 2015
Well I have 6 javas and 6 other chickens and would they cross breed if they are in the same pen. And if the javas laid eggs would they be javas or the other kind?! Thank u !
I have javas and this other breed I don't know. And I have to put them in the same pen. But when the javas lay eggs I want them to be javas not the other kind. @ChickensAreSweet
I have javas and this other breed I don't know. And I have to put them in the same pen. But when the javas lay eggs I want them to be javas not the other kind. @ChickensAreSweet

What breed(s) do you have roosters in? As long as you only keep a Java rooster in the flock then any eggs laid by the Java hens will be pure Javas. You can keep as many types of hens you want, but if pure breeding is your goal you have to keep only one breed of rooster in that flock and collect/hatch the eggs from the desired breed of hen.
Quote: x2

You could set up a bachelor pen for your boys, and rotate one breed of rooster in with the hens to get your desired breed. The hens will still be fertilized from a rooster for generally two weeks but I have read accounts of up to three weeks to one month (on BYC). So you would keep the other boys out for a couple of weeks at least before collecting the eggs to hatch.

If you have hens that lay eggs that look alike but are different breeds, then you won't be able to tell them apart.
Ok so If different breed hens lay the same colored eggs they will turn out the same chicks @ChickensAreSweet
Ok so If different breed hens lay the same colored eggs they will turn out the same chicks @ChickensAreSweet
No - what I meant was that if you have, say two different breed hens but their eggs look the same, when you go to collect eggs to incubate/hatch you won't know which is which. Even if you have the correct rooster in with them.
If you want purebred Javas, you need to make sure that you have a Java rooster and Java hens. Then when you collect eggs, you set your Java girls' eggs aside for hatching purposes. If you have more than one rooster of different breeds with your hens then there is no telling who was the father.
If you want purebred Javas, you need to make sure that you have a Java rooster and Java hens. Then when you collect eggs, you set your Java girls' eggs aside for hatching purposes. If you have more than one rooster of different breeds with your hens then there is no telling who was the father.

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