Breeding silkied Cochin bantams to the Standard

I would use something like a saline eye wash to wash it out good. Then try to work a bit of the ointment under the bottom lid. She will obviously close her eye when you try to do this and that will smear it inside. You might could use a q-tip if you are really careful. A helper could be good. If she is easy to handle that will be a big plus. I don't think I would try to dilute it.

Some time ago, I had a hen I suspected had some grit in her eye. She was doing a lot of blinking especially with that little membrane eye lid.
It was kind of red too. She is very easy to handle. I sat in a lawn chair, took my time and washed it out, applied the ointment with a q-tip. Tried to be really careful not to poke her. Then I took my finger and rubbed gently from the inner corner to the outer corner of the eye lid. It was easier than I thought it would be but she is a lap chicken. They expect treats when you do this stuff too. :lol:

As for Marek's, it can present many ways. I try to look for the simple solutions first. Things I think I can treat. There are sooo many things that can happen with birds. I just will not look at the worst until I try everything else first! :)

I did my best. Zinni's generally an easy to handle bird, but she did not enjoy me handling her for this! All I have on hand is plain polysporin (the same antibiotics as neosporin minus one, the neomycin), so hopefully that is good enough for now. I also attempted to get pictures of her eyes, but between her blinking and moving her head around in reaction to the camera flash, not a single one came out. :barnie When all was said and done, she wanted out of my lap right then and there! 🤭

She did perk up almost immediately afterward, though! Not sure if that was in response to the ointment giving her some form of relief, or if it was just because I was out there and she's a very human-focused bird. The rain recently has made the flies and mosquitoes a bit unbearable out there, so was I only able to stick around long enough to hold a few hand fulls of pellets out for her to eat and then I had to flee back to the safety of the house. 😬 Luckily, they don't seem to bother the birds as much as they do me--or maybe the birds just eat them if they try!
All I have on hand is plain polysporin

That's good!

She did perk up almost immediately afterward, though! Not sure if that was in response to the ointment giving her some form of relief, or if it was just because I was out there and she's a very human-focused bird.

The ointment may have felt soothing. Or She was probably thinking "get away from me you crazy human, no more weird stuff please!"
🤣 🤭

Our land is partially wooded, so oh yes, know all about the mosquitos and the biting flies too!
Yeah, she definitely doesn't like me putting it in her eyes, but both times now she's perked up immediately and eaten some once I've put her back down. If nothing else, it does seem to feel soothing in her eyes. :fl

We're surrounded by woods here, wooded around the house and coops, and recovering woodland at the back of the property. The mosquitoes aren't too bad when it's dry, but as soon as it rains, they kick up bad! :th

In other news, Amaretto's three eggs have all drawn down, and at least one is internally pipped! :wee
First baby is hatching under Amaretto as we speak, and the other two eggs are internally pipped! :wee

Looks like Pete has also gone into molt now, so I'm going to go ahead and set the corner coop eggs today just in case that's it for them. I have 6 eggs set aside from them, so a decent clutch that should get me to my reduced goal for that coop if all or most hatch. :fl One that I have set back is a bit older, from June 17, but it shouldn't hurt to set it anyway as long as I keep an eye on it I figure. Coco was in the nest box when I opened the coop this morning, so hopefully I'll have another egg to throw in there today, too.
Went out for a Sunday feed run and came back to find Amaretto's first baby has arrived, a beautiful little Blue :love


Her other two eggs have externally pipped now, too. :wee

Also, I checked the corner coop while I was out there and there was another egg, so 7 for the batch!! :yesss: The incubator is warming up and I'll set the eggs in an hour or two. Washburne, who I've long suspected has been the only hen laying in that coop so far this year, seems to be going broody now, so I guess that finalizes my choice of setting the corner coop eggs this week and Blue coop eggs next week as I likely won't see any more corner coop eggs for a while. :barnie
Amaretto's third baby hatched overnight, a Black baby. :love They were uncooperative for pictures and wanted to stay under mama this morning.

Also, Gussy is definitely molting! I picked him up this morning to check on him because he's been a bit droopy since the several days we had air quality alerts last week and he's covered in pins. Keeping my hands off the poor boy now! Hopefully he feels better once all those pins have grown out. :fl I do believe that means no more chicks from that group this year, though.
It sounded a bit like a group of schoolkids broke into my coop with party blowers early this morning. 🤭 Several of the April cockerels have been crowing for a couple weeks now, but I guess the rest of them have decided its time to join in on the morning serenade.

Also, Zinnia came right out of the coop this morning and straight to the feeder without my guidance! :yesss: I take that as a good sign!

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