Bresse Chickens

I was describing how the disease works--initial infection and then the expression of cancer at about 2 years old.

Yesterday I had a bunch of post removed by the Moderators on a thread so I am worried about off topic posts.

There are a bunch of threads in the correct section on BYC regarding Mareks.

My Bresse are so funny. They fly up on the coop to sleep! The Pullets can be a bit bossy with new comers sometimes too.
Sorry about the off topic.....shoulda just sent pm...

I still have a Bresse capon. I look forward to growing him out to see how big he gets. Will have white DP hatchery stock capons(Rocks/Giants/Orpingtons) of similar age to compare him to.

I am looking forward to hatching out Bresse eggs next year now that the pullet eggs are getting large enough to incubate. Since I have learned to poulardize as well as caponize, I get to watch all of them grow out and compare. According to the French standard, the Poulet must be at least 4 months old and weigh a minimum of 1.2kg(2.6 pounds). The Poularde must be at least 5 months old and weigh a minimum of 1.8 kg(4 pounds). The Capon must be at least 8 months old and weigh at least 3 kg(6.6 pounds)!! That size capon would be quite a site!

My Bresse pen is a repurposed horse stall, and it still has a a hay rack mounted on the wall. Some of them roost on the hay rack, and others go from the rack up to the top of an eight foot wall that separates it from another repurposed horse stall. Funny thing is, they always go back into their pen instead of the other one. I guess they don't like their neighbors.....
Sorry about the off topic.....shoulda just sent pm...

I still have a Bresse capon. I look forward to growing him out to see how big he gets. Will have white DP hatchery stock capons(Rocks/Giants/Orpingtons) of similar age to compare him to.

I am looking forward to hatching out Bresse eggs next year now that the pullet eggs are getting large enough to incubate. Since I have learned to poulardize as well as caponize, I get to watch all of them grow out and compare. According to the French standard, the Poulet must be at least 4 months old and weigh a minimum of 1.2kg(2.6 pounds). The Poularde must be at least 5 months old and weigh a minimum of 1.8 kg(4 pounds). The Capon must be at least 8 months old and weigh at least 3 kg(6.6 pounds)!! That size capon would be quite a site!

My Bresse pen is a repurposed horse stall, and it still has a a hay rack mounted on the wall. Some of them roost on the hay rack, and others go from the rack up to the top of an eight foot wall that separates it from another repurposed horse stall. Funny thing is, they always go back into their pen instead of the other one. I guess they don't like their neighbors.....

They are not what I expected out of Meaties. I like to watch them fly and forage.
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Finally got some black Bresse started here at Sunbird Farms, along with a blue as well. Anyone had a lot of experience with the black variety? Some of our whites start laying at about 5 months…are the blacks the same? How about dressed weight? We'd love to have your input.
Brice @ SF
I can find no info on American black and blue. In France they are not considered meat birds from what I can tell.
I'm eagerly awaiting what you can tell is!
I can find no info on American black and blue. In France they are not considered meat birds from what I can tell.
I'm eagerly awaiting what you can tell is!
The only thing I found was an article(Sorry, I do not have a link) that said the Blacks were smaller but better egg layers.

Debs_Flock said that was wrong and that the Blacks are bigger. Yes, please let us know.
In our earlier inquiry to GF, their opinion was that indeed Black Bresse are smaller, but lay a markedly larger, white egg. This is intriguing for us. We really love the breed and would be delighted with an equally prolific variety , even if it's prowess lies in other qualities. We will keep you posted.
-Brice @ SF
Quick note:
Our surrogate mother hen and her four chicks: 2 Sulmtalers and 2 Bresse. Head to head trial ? Ha ha.
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Brice, I read some of the literature that stated that some of the chefs in France prefer the Black Bress, even though they are smaller.
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Quote: Is that from GF's website or from an independent source? Just wondering because I believe GF's website says, "one chef told us…" While we love and appreciate GF, and believe that this is the truth, "one chef" seem slightly less than even a minority of sources… However, we will be happy to relay our experience. Thanks for the thoughts.
- Brice @ SF

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