Bring your "Howdy's" here!

I'm charging the batteries on the camera now. I'll try to get some pics with her ears trying to stand up.

Good morning back at ya. How is everything in Missouri this fine mornin'. You would be hard pressed to have a prettier day than we are having here. Sunny, breezy, and the temperature is going to soar all the way up to 78.
That weather is absolutely gorgeous! We had some of that last week, but it is slowly warming again and going to be in the 90s by the end of the week. Still, it is beautiful lunch in the park weather as long as the humidity stays down!

And I third the YAY! No bats!
I would love to have that weather all summer long! Here, it is usually in the 90-100s through July and August after having a very wet May/June. We have had the rain and a week of 100, so it is nice to have a few beautiful days thrown in!

We are going to start remodel on our bedroom this weekend, wish me luck! I will try not to pop my husband's head off while it is being done!

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