Bring your "Howdy's" here!

helooooooooo again! I've been sick, (no not swine flu) again. It seems like my head cold has been off and on for about 5 weeks now. What the heck is goin' on? If I get too stuffy, I start to have asthma issues and then I can't enjoy going out to spend time with the chickens and livestock. It's a little depressing.......
OOOO that sucks!
I was sick for like two and a half months, and I finally went to the ER and found out I had broncitis again! Have you checked to see if that is what you have? They gave me a breathing treatment and some antibiotics and I was alot better in a few days!! I thought I was going to die because I could not breath. But after that breathing treatment I was ready to skip out of the ER!

I hope you feel better soon, it is bad when you can't enjoy being out with the animals!
I miss everyone on here!
I hope everyone is well and having a great weekend. I was messing with PRC for a while and then he went away too! It reminds me of the cartoon with the big dog and the squirrel.... the dog called him George and he would love him and pet him,and squeeze, and be his friend, but George don't move no more!!!!!!!HEHE

Just call me whatever that dogs name was!! (can't remember)
I am on youtube a lot. I am on episode 15 of ALF. I am trying to figure which state has BSL bans. I told my mom no florida since I cant have pitts there. So we may move onto the 11 acres she bought a couple years ago. MY mom said if we save our money while we live with her I wil get some of the land (4acres) and get a house buit. Then I am going to adopt 2 pitts. Imagine having a chickenstock on that 11 acres. I also want to get a firework permit. If I get 4 acres of land I plan to get some peafowl, guineas, turkeys and finally some sebbie geese.
I've been popping in and out on here. Has definately slowed down...but so has other threads. I think alot of people are out of town for long weekend. It's still raining here(surprise, surprise!) so I have been pretty bored. Seems like I was the only one on most the day yesterday, felt like a dork being the only one leaving posts. Was gonna start answering myself.
hey all have not been on for a wile thought I would drop in and say hello before I go to work! I have to work tommorow to but I am getting paid duble time in a half so its no to bad.
well I hope all is well with all of yall.
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