Bringing home a new cat tomorrow. What should I know?

It's getting worse she went from a very friendly and cuddly cat to a very aggressive one. She gets aeroplane ears starts making a very heavy meow sound and if u move she comes closer to u slowly and responds to your movement. I am not sure wht to do. I will have to put her up for adoption, if I can find someone who is willing to take her. I never thought it would turn out like this. I asked the previous owner for any trauma or any history he didn't even bother to reply after seeing my msg.
This still sounds like hormones to me. Probably a side effect to aborting her litter. If you can keep her contained in a room she feels the most comfortable in until they settle or she gets fixed.
She seems very uncomfortable in the collar and keeps bumping into stuff. Can I cover her stitches instead? I'll try to get a onesie but she probably won't let me put it on. I tried finding an ecollar today and I couldn't find any. They all say its short in the market.
The collar was on, but I had to staple it and she took it off at night. I have fixed that and it won't happen again. However she did lick her stitches and they appear slightly infected. I contacted the vet about it he said it looks minor and should be fine after a couple days of antibiotics. He prescribed augmentin 1ml 2 times a day for 3 days. The problem is its very hard to give her the medicine she resists too much and when I forced it, she started salivating and foaming. It stopped after a few seconds and she is fine now. Is there any other way to give her the medicine?

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