Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator

Idaho. We don't get much for rain here typically... So I don't get it. I moved it, took the water out, waited a couple hours, and it dropped to about 15%, put the tiniest spray of water, and waited.... [email protected] most of it out and am waiting now. I think I need an eyedropper lol
I'm getting silkie eggs from Catdance. They go out Monday, I can't wait!

The spritz held well until I went to bed... woke up to 10% humidity. Oi. Put 3 spritz in the well, waiting to see how that does.
Room humidity is about 30%. The three spritz put it up to about 50% in the incubator last I checked.

I think I may just have to monitor egg weights and work with that, since I can't get the incubator to hold at a proper humidity. Seems ANY water is just too much... and if I don't put some in, it just dries way out overnight. So I'm thinking maybe a little high at night while I sleep, and then let it dry out more during the day while I can keep an eye on it, and just checking weights to make sure they are losing what they should be.

Unless you guys think that's a bad idea.... LOL
That's what I would do just to be on the safe side !! I am so glad I didn't have a humidity issue !! My only issue was I had to turn the heat up a tad, mine was staying at 97.

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