Brinsea Mini Eco Thermometer Placement


6 Years
Jul 3, 2013
Hi everyone, hope everyone is getting on alright with all that's going on! I'm currently expecting some Call Ducks! (Hopefully)

I have questions about thermometer placement inside my brinsea mini eco. This is an old incubator that I've had from about 2016, but this is only the second time I've used it I use the mercury thermometer that it came with. There is a little bracket type thing that holds it in place where is sits horizontally about an inch or two above the eggs. I had a moment of panic the other day about the temperature in the incubator, so I bought a digital thermometer that reads roughly 1.5 degrees celsius below the mercury thermometer at egg level. So having the mercury one set to 37.7 (99.86 F) had a reading on the digital one at about 36.2 (97.16 F) at egg level. Naturally I was a bit surprised by it being over a degree lower than it should be, especially in such a small incubator.

So my questions are:

1. Does anyone else have experience using a mercury thermometer with this setup and do you find your hatch rates are good?
2. If you had to choose between the two, which would you trust more?
3. I worry about the eggs potentially being at 36 degrees Celsius, should I ignore the mercury thermometer and just go with the digital and tune the incubator up to 37.7?
4. Am I worrying too much?

Thanks very much in advance, any input is appreciated. I don't want to mess about taking the lid on and off again to keep testing the temperatures!

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