BriteTap nipple waterer

I'm in Utah County. At first I checked the water every day it was below freezing just to see that it was coming on and make sure the light was on, and all was well. After that I just checked it as I changed the water and on extreme cold days. Checking it at a glance while visiting the girls, checking for eggs and scooping poo out of sand, is no trouble at all. My coop has a light on a timer but is open door and uninsulated, it is however somewhat protected from the wind. My feeder only needs refilling every week with no spillage so we are very self contained :)
When I checked this morning, everything was just fine. As in other's experience, the ladies leave the wires alone and just drink. The heat tape was not even warm feeling but there was no ice. My setup looks exactly like the others on the thread except mine has black zip ties. HA HA. I imagine that if it got below zero out, you might have to check the cooler for ice buildup, but so far, no ice inside the cooler. This is the best thing ever!!!
Update: We have had our nipples freeze a few times. This has been mostly in extended low temperatures (-5 to -15) and when we had single digits with an East wind. We do have to check regularly to make sure the water doesn't freeze too thick in the cooler, but it has only done that once. Anyway, it is working great. I would think you could hang a heat lamp over the nipples if your setup allowed for that safely that would prevent the nipples from freezing.
Hello! I have been looking into getting a brite-tap, and i just had a couple of questions.. How many brite-taps do you have for your chickens (and how many chickens do you have)? Do you feel that the brite-tap is a good source of water - meaning do your chickens drink enough out of them, or do you have another source of water in addition to your brite-tap? Thank you in advance!
Hi! We've been using the britetap for about 3.5 years and it's been great for most of the time. The girls use that as their only source of water and are still happy and healthy. We got 6 babies this spring and they all figured it out within a few days (I kept a traditional waterer out until I saw everyone figure out how to get water from the nipples). We have 9 girls (and for a while 1 boy too, but to my neighbors' delight, he has gone to live in the country where the crowing won't bother anyone!) who share the waterer with no problems. I like it because it keeps the water clean and cooler on hot days. The one drawback is during cold weather. We haven't figured out a good way to keep the water from freezing during the coldest months so I got a few horizontal nipples and installed those on a 5gallon bucket. We just stick a flexible aquarium heater in it (I hook it to a thermocube so it's only heating when needed) and we've been able to get the girls the same fresh water for the winter too. Once it gets warmer, we just switch back to the britetap which does a better job of keeping the water clean and cold. All in all, I recommend the britetap :)
Hopefully I'll be fine during the winter! Where I live it rarely gets below freezing :)

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