Brody Hen+Little Chicks (HELP PLEASE)


5 Years
Feb 27, 2014
Hi there I just bought 3 Americana chicks from tractor supply and after two days my parents decided that running a light is too dangerous it could catch fire so now they will get too cold if they just set there wouldn't they? So I got to thinking and one of my Silkie hens is broody and I was wandering if I could sneak the chicks under her and she would keep them warm! If this would work should I move her to them or them to her because she will be around my other chickens and the chicks could get killed by them? Please help I'm needing information. Thank you SO very much!
what are your temps? do you have an extra cage for the silkie? they dont just automatically accept chicks but some times they will. you can try it in a cage by themselves. did you tell your parents they will die without heat? maybe you have a heating pad that wont shut off after 2 hours?
I've never done it myself but I've read a lot about it. You can put them under her at night and she is more likely to accept them.
OK I moved her in with my chicks she is fine the chicks pecked at her eye allot! Well I watched them for 10 minuets or so then I went inside to take a shower after my shower I checked on them and she is setting on them, but I have some questions...

1.What are the chances of her spreading a desies to them?

2.What are the chances of her killing them?

3.How big of an aria should I have One Silkie+Three Chicks?

4.Why did they peck at her eye like that so much?
if the silkie hasnt been sick there is no reason to think the chicks will get sick.if she is sitting on them then she has accepted them and the babies pick at big shiny things.(her eye). they shouldnt hurt her. i cant say they wont but its not real likely. i am glad you got them warm. they should settle down and hide under her. coming out every few minutes to eat or look around. make sure their food and water are close enough for them to get to without being knocked over.
OK thank you so much.
Hi Windstep,
Thanks, Grannyhatchet!
It won't hurt the silkie to eat and drink whatever you are giving the chicks.

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