Broke Broody Hen, How Long Before She Lays Again?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 26, 2010
San Diego
My Wyandotte went broody a few weeks ago. I managed to break her of her broodyness, but she hasn't layed an egg since. It's been over a week now. How long does it usually take for an ex broody hen to start laying again?
Are you sure she's not laying? My EE started layin within a few days, but the little stinker still had hatching on her mind 'cause she hid a nest. I just thought she hadn't started laying again, but when she didn't come back to roost one night I went looking and found her on 15 eggs in the tall grass next to the raspberry patch.
I just took another look around the yard and didn't find any eggs. Before she was broody she layed almost every day.
They can be tricky. I'd lock her in the coop/run for a few days and see what happens. I'd also grab her off the roost tonight and give her a good going over--check for mites (can be common when they're broody for awhile) lice, and also feel around/under the vent area for a possibly stuck egg.
Usually about a week or so with mine.
Can you share your "breaking" technique? I've got a bantam Cochin Frizzle who is determined to be a mama but I have no more room for chickens in my coop!!
I'm not sure how much of a technique it is. Her "nest" is in the yard. She doesn't like the nest in the Eglu, even though I have tried putting fake eggs and real eggs in there. I had to put her back in her run every day when I went to work, so I picked her up off the nest and put her in the run. After a few days of that she quit trying to stay in the nest. If she had taken to using the nest in the Eglu I would probably have put her in the pet carrier I put her in so I can put her in the garage when she is being too noisy.
Can you share your "breaking" technique? I've got a bantam Cochin Frizzle who is determined to be a mama but I have no more room for chickens in my coop!!

I use an old wire bottom rabbit hutch, plenty of room for feed/water and for the hen to move around in. It sits up off the ground so good airflow too. Good luck!

Thanks Monetta & Kittymomma. It sounds like the common denominator is keeping her out of her "chosen spot". Tricky business!

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