Broken leg duck


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2024
Hey folks I have a male duck under a year but fully matured. He got into it with an unknown animal and lost quite a few feathers ( maybe a hawk, maybe a cat ) thing is his leg is totally broke at the hip joint and it’s completely limp . We took a bumble food boot to spread his toes apart and splinted at the top and “knee” joint with popsicle sticks gauze and Coban. He’s in a dog crate on a hay bed with scratch and water. It looks like he may have a chest wound as well possibly a tear that I’ll need to clean in the morning . I think the whole splint thing took a lot out of him. Should I be giving him antibiotics and pain meds ? I have some clyndomicin and some gabopenton please excuse the spelling . What doses would I use ? I’m afraid with the tear and the broken leg infection may be likely while he is played up for 3 weeks . Any assistance is appreciated including how to keep his stress down . Also would electrolytes or ACV be helpful he seems to have a little wetness in his nostril and I’ve admittedly got him in a light breeze from an isolating fan as he’s in my shed which is basically my infirmary and it gets humid here so I’m trying to keep good ventilation and steady temperature .
O my I understand your extremely worried
Hey folks I have a male duck under a year but fully matured. He got into it with an unknown animal and lost quite a few feathers ( maybe a hawk, maybe a cat ) thing is his leg is totally broke at the hip joint and it’s completely limp . We took a bumble food boot to spread his toes apart and splinted at the top and “knee” joint with popsicle sticks gauze and Coban.
You are already taking action. That is bold and inspiring.
He’s in a dog crate on a hay bed with scratch and water.
I would add a lil starter, only because it is medicated.
It looks like he may have a chest wound as well possibly a tear that I’ll need to clean in the morning .
I always keep black drawing salve around for my family and my flock just in cause. it is Not an antibiotic but It keeps wounds moist and able to draw out the infection. The salve is used for abcesses on horses hooves. Like i said though have never used it on ducks. From my personal experience it will draw out a staph infection without antibiotics.
Any assistance is appreciated including how to keep his stress down . Also would electrolytes or ACV be helpful he seems to have a little wetness in his nostril
Yes electrolytes are good for all us
@Miss Lydia
. I think the whole splint thing took a lot out of him. Should I be giving him antibiotics and pain meds ? I have some clyndomicin and some gabopenton please excuse the spelling . What doses would I use ? I’m afraid with the tear and the broken leg infection may be likely while he is played up for 3 weeks . Any assistance is appreciated including how to keep his stress down
. Also would electrolytes or ACV be helpful he seems to have a little wetness in his nostril and I’ve admittedly got him in a light breeze from an isolating fan as he’s in my shed which is basically my infirmary and it gets humid here so I’m trying to keep good ventilation and steady temperature .
iF he has a snotty nose may open a window if possible instead of the fan. Unfortunately whenever are a predator get mine I never see them again. I truly hope your drake recovers. If and when he recovers He will be a BOSS!
I am not familar with either of these antibiotics hopefully @ruthhope or @casportpony will be able to help there.
Can you post a picture of how you fashioned the splint can he lay down comfortably?
I would not have the fan blowing directly on him fix it so it is blowing over his head if you feel you have to have it on.
Cleaning any wounds is very important clipping back feathers from around wounds is important. Keep the wounds moist using something like triple antibiotic ointment. I have never used drawing salve for a wound just for bumble but it may work if you have some.
Also I don't think your drake is going to get much nutrients from scratch and he needs them very much right now so a good feed is best. Also some "poultry cell" by rooster booster is good to help.

If you can post pictures of his wounds and his leg that would be much appreciated. We can help better when we see the extent of his injuries.
I am not familar with either of these antibiotics hopefully @ruthhope or @casportpony will be able to help there.
Can you post a picture of how you fashioned the splint can he lay down comfortably?
I would not have the fan blowing directly on him fix it so it is blowing over his head if you feel you have to have it on.
Cleaning any wounds is very important clipping back feathers from around wounds is important. Keep the wounds moist using something like triple antibiotic ointment. I have never used drawing salve for a wound just for bumble but it may work if you have some.
Also I don't think your drake is going to get much nutrients from scratch and he needs them very much right now so a good feed is best. Also some "poultry cell" by rooster booster is good to help.

If you can post pictures of his wounds and his leg that would be much appreciated. We can help better when we see the extent of his injuries.
It’s not looking like this particular splint is working great he put his leg completely backward and I just had to carefully turn it back I have that fan blowing above not direct now and per advice of others on here he’s got poultry cell and grow crumble mixed in with the scratch and some nutritional yeast for niacin
He keeps turning it back around though


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Also the duck boot we had on hand so we were hoping that it helps with any damage to the foot itself
O my I understand your extremely worried

You are already taking action. That is bold and inspiring.

I would add a lil starter, only because it is medicated.

I always keep black drawing salve around for my family and my flock just in cause. it is Not an antibiotic but It keeps wounds moist and able to draw out the infection. The salve is used for abcesses on horses hooves. Like i said though have never used it on ducks. From my personal experience it will draw out a staph infection without antibiotics.

Yes electrolytes are good for all us
So I did put the poultry cell and vitamins in with a seperate water for him and added the starter and nutritional yeast for niacin I will look into getting that salve to see if that helps I don’t think it’s too bad yet there is no smell at all year so I’m hoping it’s more a superficial than deep tissue injury
Also gabapenton is a pain medication that a vet gave me for a dog that passed with sudden cancer in November. So I know it’s animal grade and from what I read good for ducks in pain. I just am not sure of a dose he is a bit squinty eyed and seems a bit tense though after we splinted he did preen a bit . I don’t want to medicate with that unless it’s necessary since again no duck vets near by but if he’s hurting ….husband has ordered actual castings he was a paramedic and actually knows how to do a cast pretty well which I think will help the lower parts but right up in that hip joint it still appears he is able to rotate it completely behind him which is risking a splay leg heal

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