Broken leg/hip!? Help!


Mar 15, 2016
SE Georgia
5 month old chicken somehow has a broken hip, maybe a dislocation? Leg isn't moving at all, and it doesn't appear to be broken, it seems to be higher up by her hip. I've isolated her but not too sure where to go from here. Just let nature take its course? Maybe a dislocation in the drumstick?
Sorry about your chicken. A vet would be the best to possibly help the hen, but if you cannot go, then place her in a dog crate to forxe her to rest it. Place food and water close enough for her to reach. A chicken sling may help to get her upright in order to eat better, and keep her out of her droppings. Can she move her leg at all? Higher thigh or hip injuries are less likely to heal, I have read. If she is special to you, I would get a vet's opinion.
She can't move it at all. When I found her the leg was just floppy and laying in front of her. Seems to be very high up. I isolated her in a tall dog crate with hay, food, water and a valentines card from my 5 year old. Not sure if a sling will help, but I figured I would give her a day or so before I try too much.
That is sweet about your 5 year old's valentine in the cage. In Georgia where you live, you might be able to get her leg set by a vet. It sounds like a serious break, maybe even nerve damage. I will send some pictures of chicken slings that people have made in a little while.

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