Broken nail


Aug 11, 2020
One of my hens broke a nail today. I was able to read old threads here on BYC and learned how to stop the bleeding. (Thanks Y’all!)
I disinfected it and then disinfected again before putting her on her roost to sleep. I also put neosporin on it. Out from the broken end of the nail there is a pointy piece of soft flesh. So I’m wondering how I can protect her from opening the wound again since that soft flesh is very exposed. I tried putting a bit of medical tape over the end of her toe but realized right away that it was a bad idea because the other chickens went crazy trying to peck it when they saw her. Without it wrapped she’ll surely open the wound while scratching around, right? Do I have to separate her and wrap the toe? How long will it take to heal? How many times a day should I disinfect it and for how many days? Thank you!!

Of course my first chicken injury is a chipped nail. My girls are such spoiled divas!
can you post some pics so we can see how bad it is

So here it is this morning which is much improved. Looks like the fleshy bit that was extending out has shrunk back or something because now it is the same length as the longest broken bit of nail. I’m much less concerned now that there isn’t so much exposed soft tissue.
At this point I’m feeling ok about just disinfecting it a few times a day and letting her be otherwise. Please let me know if you think I should do more than that.

It’s definitely sore as she tucks it up under her and stands on one leg but maybe that will keep it a bit cleaner.
I’m having then same problem. Mine looks more like skin around the toe that is opened. I thought this morning we were good and then left them out tonight and she opened it up again I soaked it and put hen healer on it. The toe nail looks dark in color compared to the others which are tan. I don’t think it’s dirt as I took a q tip to it to the toe to try to clean it out. I know it hurts her because she doesn’t alway put weight on it. I did put neosporin on it yesterday should I go back to using that?
I’m having then same problem. Mine looks more like skin around the toe that is opened. I thought this morning we were good and then left them out tonight and she opened it up again I soaked it and put hen healer on it. The toe nail looks dark in color compared to the others which are tan. I don’t think it’s dirt as I took a q tip to it to the toe to try to clean it out. I know it hurts her because she doesn’t alway put weight on it. I did put neosporin on it yesterday should I go back to using that?
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