Broken Wing on Peahen

If you purchase adult peafowl get them already socialized to humans. It takes a lot of time and effort to tame them down to feed them from your hand. If you raise them from chicks they are quite easy to make friendly like chickens. I keep mine in the house in a brooder for a couple weeks where I can visit with them often. I put food in my hand and they will even get on my hand to eat it. What they really love is "wet food", LOL!!! I'll put a little water on the food in my hand and say "WET FOOD".....they come running for it. If you offer them food from your hand and visit with them as they grow, they will be plenty friendly as they mature. I have a high percentage Spalding female, 7 months old that will jump up in my lap if sitting in a chair, let me pet her and go to sleep. Her 2 brothers will get in my lap but don't want to be touched. If you want to hold them you need to start doing it when they are little and continue. I haven't taken the time to do that but intend to. My girl flew from on top of a pen after free ranging all day onto my arm so I could put her in the pen for the night. They are free ranging with the older birds days but I still feel better putting the 3 of them in nights for now.

Regarding not being able to keep them with chickens. It's my understanding chickens have diseases peafowl can't tolerate especially when young. I feed my peachicks medicated feed and don't even have chickens but the diseases can come from wild birds too. I've read the peachicks should be kept in a pen in the chicken yard where they will build an amunity to the chicken diseases. I know lots of people that have chickens and peafowl. In fact, I don't know anyone like myself that just has peafowl. I just bought a year old Java peahen from a man that has all kinds of healthy peafowl and chickens running about on his farm. If you purchase grown birds ask the seller if he/she has chickens. If they do most likely the peafowl you're purchasing will be fine. If not, you need to keep them in a pen for a few months anyway so they'll know where they live. During that time the chickens will be on and beside the pen giving the peas time to build up their ammune system to chicken diseases. The above is the way I understand it, if someone has different information please share it with us.

You say you so enjoy your chickens. I do my peafowl. There is never a dull moment and they are so funny at times. A quick story is the friendly Spalding girl I have. In the pen she and her brothers have learned from the 2 adjoining pens to watch above for predator hawks, etc; They will all turn their head sideways looking up and put out this sound warning of danger above. I had only been turning the 3 loose for a few days when she was making that noise and moved beneath some cedar limbs hanging low. I looked up, didn't see any hawks or ??? but did see a couple large butterflies above her. I liked to died laughing. She remained defensive until they flew away. My gosh they are so precious and innocent. I so love my peafowl and adore the babies I raise.
I only have peafowl too! They are the first bird I have ever owned. That is soo cute about your birds getting in your lap, I will have to try and hold peachicks a lot if I can hatch some this year. How do you pet them? Don't they like their chin scratched or something?
I'm able to pet her on her back and chest like you would a dog. She is such a sweetheart.

We removed the tape on the broken wing of peahen today so time will tell if it healed properly. All her feathers were cut off short from her wings so she'll need to replace them before she can even try to fly. Anyone know how long it may take her to shed the cut feathers and grow new ones?
I don't know how long it will take for the broken feathers to grow back, but just wanted to say I think it's awesome that you took on the huge task of rehabilitating your bird! In your situation, I would've done exactly the same thing. I love my peas & greatly enjoy their antics and personalities!
Hope your girl makes a 100% recovery for you!
Thank you. I couldn't put her down...she eats from my hand and I raised her from the egg with her brother and another the same age a friend asked me to take because it was by itself at a week old. This same friend says he has a dove that broke it's wing and he had to amputate it. She can't fly but lays eggs and cares for her babies. He's offered to help me take the wing off Sweet Pea if necessary and as much as I dislike the thought of it I may take him up on it. She has been such a good girl through all this and deserves to live. We'll see.....just pray the vet set the wing properly and it healed.
I really hope this friend is a vet? You aren't seriously entertaining the thought of amputating your birds wing without proper knowledge and tools are you?
He did go to school to become a vet but only practiced for a shot time. He's had a farm with animals for 20 years and is pretty darn knowledgable. I wouldn't take her wing off unless absolutely necessary and a lot of research would be done first. Still may decide to put her down instead. I'm praying the wing has healed well enough. I could also keep her wings clipped short the rest of her life if it didn't heal properly but I wouldn't know if it's causing her pain. I'm sure to have it removed by a professional would be a fortune. Another option might be to turn her over to Wildlife Rescue but I'd have to have someone else take her in. They don't take animals unless found hurt in the wild. I took a couple ill peachicks in a while back and they made an exception for them. I didn't know what to do and didn't want them to die. What would you suggest?
The Wing feathers will grow back in after she molts. They molt towards the end of summer. The other thing is you could pull the feathers on her wing and they would start to grow back now, but in her case with the wing having been just set and still healing, I would leave the wing alone and let nature take its course. If you did decide to pull feathers just do a couple at a time and when they start growing back, do a couple of more. Hope she heals well.
Thanks everyone for the good wishes for my girl. I doubt I'll pull the feathers....she'll just have to wait. Me catching and holding her to do it is probably stressful for her even tho she behaves quite well when we've need to handle her. I do worry about her not being able to get on a roost in the pen she'll be in. I can maybe arrange a way for her to climb to the top (5 to 6 feet high) but she would probably try to fly down and hurt herself without any wing feathers. I'd like to give her a pen to her own but I only have three 10' by 30' ones and they are being used for Java and Spaldings. As I write this I'm thinking she does need to be by herself .... don't want her breeding this year and if by herself I can take down the higher roost and put one only a couple feet up. I'll figure it out. She's doing a lot of preening now that the tape is off. Bless her heart.

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