BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I had multi aged chick groups last year and used a wire dog crate with small door for the littles too, it works the time the littles are too big to fit thru the door they are pretty well integrated.

Agreed! I wish I had thought of it when I first brought the buffs home instead of a week later. They got trampled quite a bit by the bigger ones. I can see they definitely enjoy having their own escape area. What cracks me up is watching the barred rocks and silkies get in there with the little ones to "mother hen" them.


Finished my new brooder!!!
The babies LOVE it and have been stretching their wings :)

The ducks haven't gone up the ramp yet though :( *I did add a couple more 'steps' this morning as the chicks were sliding between them*


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Here are a couple of my updated brooder. Didn't spend a dime on this one. Heating pad ($19.00) and two chicken nipples ($2.00) is all I spent on their supplies for their smaller brooder. I've got four roosts in there for them to play on, and they climb/sleep in top of their momma heating pad. Bedding is horse pellet bedding. Food container is coffee tin with holes drilled in it. Waterers are water bottles with nipples in the bottom. Cut a box in half and wrapped it around to keep the bedding in. I've also sprinkled some Sweet PDZ in there to keep the smell down. However, the only smell is the woody scent from bedding. Raising chicks has been so fun with this easy setup!

And my white GSD just adores these chicks. <3

Here are a couple of my updated brooder. Didn't spend a dime on this one. Heating pad ($19.00) and two chicken nipples ($2.00) is all I spent on their supplies for their smaller brooder. I've got four roosts in there for them to play on, and they climb/sleep in top of their momma heating pad. Bedding is horse pellet bedding. Food container is coffee tin with holes drilled in it. Waterers are water bottles with nipples in the bottom. Cut a box in half and wrapped it around to keep the bedding in. I've also sprinkled some Sweet PDZ in there to keep the smell down. However, the only smell is the woody scent from bedding. Raising chicks has been so fun with this easy setup!

And my white GSD just adores these chicks. <3
I am beyond thrilled to see you using the Mama Heating Pad system and having such good luck with it.
well that took awhile ... for the past 2 weeks have been going thru this thread .... now that i think i know what to do ...better start to get it done ...12 chick arrive in 10 days
thanks to all those who have posted info i'll try to use it wisely.
well that took awhile ... for the past 2 weeks have been going thru this thread .... now that  i think i know what to do ...better start to get it done ...12 chick arrive in 10 days 
thanks to all those who have posted info i'll try to use it wisely.
were here to help if you have any questions!

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