

Oct 12, 2019
I just ordered my first incubator. Can you guys give me examples of brooders? I have my pen for the adults planned out,but don’t know how tall it should be, size for the number of chicks im hoping for (ordering 50 eggs from Myshire). I live in the southeast,and the high is ~55. I planned on having the brooder in our shed. Would that work?
I use spare fish tanks for brooders. I put a heat bulb over it, Put a thermometer in to keep track of temp and as the quails get older, I put a cover over the brooder so they don't fly out. I don't have a professional system at all but I usually rely on my breeders to raise chicks and only use the brooder in special circumstances, like if a chick is rejected or weak or occasionally if I want to raise some myself without waiting for the birds.
I used a 20 gallon fish tank for my first three hatches. My current hatch is much larger, so I frankenstein'd a plastic tote into a brooder.
I have a large plastic storage tub, with a wire top I made for once they start flapping and shavings on the bottom. I also use a white heat lamp, but mainly because I couldn’t find a red one in time and at this point my quails are unbothered by it. I also cut two sparkling water boxes in half for little “huts” in case they need somewhere to hide. I don’t know if it’s the best idea for you to use little hits though, I did it because I only have three quails so there’s less danger of smothering if they all stack in there!
I have an old rabbits cage that i stick a heat lamp above, and a thermometer stuck between the bars so I can keep track of temp. I have chickens, not quails, so When it’s time to integrate them, I put the cage into the coop and wrap fence around the cage door & make a small run beside the coop.
I use spare fish tanks for brooders. I put a heat bulb over it, Put a thermometer in to keep track of temp and as the quails get older, I put a cover over the brooder so they don't fly out. I don't have a professional system at all but I usually rely on my breeders to raise chicks and only use the brooder in special circumstances, like if a chick is rejected or weak or occasionally if I want to raise some myself without waiting for the birds.
I have a 20g long I could use,but I had wanted to order 50 eggs. How many do you think would fit in that?

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