broody again


10 Years
Jul 24, 2010
Beautiful Lake County
You would think after years of chickens, I would have seen it all.

I have a speckled Sussex that went broody a while back ( and a poor broody she was, she smothered the first chick, one disappeare, and she has one left.) They had been sleeping on the roost together, but now she has decided to go broody again and has joined my big black Orpington in the nesting box. The chick is also sleeping there at night.

Now it is a small nesting box, this is getting silly.

Any opinions on this silly broody behavior?

And any opinions on when it is safe to move a broody?
I have had them quit the eggs when moved.
I get constant broodies. I break most of them, unless I want someone to hatch. Hens that go broody tend to go broody repeatedly throughout the season.

If I want to use a hen I move her asap. Some settle, and some don't.

A poor mother will probably be a poor mother again, but sometimes they improve.

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