Broody chicken - turkey eggs


10 Years
May 8, 2009
I know this question has been answered before but I can't seem to find an answer. I have a broody chicken hen and 12 turkey eggs on the way, how many of these can I safely place under the broody?
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Personally I wouldn't put more than five turkey eggs under a broody hen. Perhaps if she were a large Brahma or Cochin I might put a couple more.
Really? I was hoping to put as many as possible under the chicken then let my turkey hen have the rest.
Yes, but I didn't want to put all of my eggs in one (basket) broody.
I also think I trust my broody chicken more than the turkey at this moment, she is a BO and is a bit on the slow side but truly dedicated. I couldn't even dissuade her today when I was doing carpentry work IN the coop, right next to her.
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Is it really THAT boring of a question, I thought I could get at least a few different opinions.... anyone?
Actually you can put as many eggs as she can cover with none peeking out from under her. I don't have any experience with turkeys but have gotten the impression that they are unpredictable as mothers. A buff orpington would probably prove to be a very good foster mother.
you don't say what breed your hen is that does make a difference, 5 would be max, unless you have a giant cochin. turkeys can be touchee, can you put them in a 'bator and then let the hen raise them? just let the hen sit on fake eggs till hatch
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Im trying this right now as well. I have lots of broody Silkies (Arent they ALWAYS
) So having 3 BR Turkey eggs I gave 2 to a larger Silkie and One Turkey and one Silkie egg to the other one. We candled a few days ago and I KNOW two of them are coming along nicely.
Im sorry I wouldnt think a BO could cover 12 eggs of that size. Maybe do 1/2 to the BO and 1/2 to the Turkey...or all in the bator and you know they are safe!
My Turkey is not broody. She simply drops eggs wherever the urge hits her, so I wasnt sure if they were fertile or not. This was more of a test before I start collecting and incubating them myself... (in the bator of course!)

If you do put them all under the BO let us know the results!


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