My White Cochin is broody and refuses to get off her eggs. It's been 4 of 5 days now, and we have just let her have those eggs. This morning when I unlocked the coop to let the chickens out briefly to go to the bathroom then went back in, ate, drank and got back on her eggs. It was the first time I'd seen her up so I marked her eggs (she had four but not all were hers). I've been doing a lot of ready but I'm still new to chickens and have never hatched chicks before. I have a few questions:
It's late in the season, but I live on relatively warm Vancouver Island, BC. Is it too late and too cool for her to successfully have chicks? I have heat lamps I could start turning on at night if that helps. I just don't want her to sit on eggs if success is futile.
Since there is only four eggs, can I add more if I get them when they're still warm? Or is 5 days apart too long for those to be hatched and cared for by her? I would like the idea of having a few more eggs in there to boost odds.
In a few more days I will try to candle them. I've done a lot of reading, and by then it sounds like what i should be looking for is veins and an air sac. If I don't see those at seven or eight days should I discard the eggs or should I give it a chance because I'm new and some of the eggs are brown and I might miss it?
Egg size: our chickens are fairly young still and their eggs aren't huge. Does that matter?
Candling: It sounds like most people say not to candle too much. I don't want egg explosions though. Whats the best way to candle to not disturb the hen and not disturb the eggs? Maybe at night?
Background: Our chickens are 27 weeks old. We have 10 hens (mixed heritage breeds: brahmas, barred rocks, columbian rocks, australorps etc.) and one rooster. We have lots of room in our coop (its about 64 square feet) but I only put in 3 nesting boxes so there are only two available to the other hens. It doesn't seem to have changed anything, we are still getting the same egg production as before the cochin went broody. Any ideas or tips would be hugely appreciated. I've been searching lots, but it is hard to find info on the stuff I am curious about.
It's late in the season, but I live on relatively warm Vancouver Island, BC. Is it too late and too cool for her to successfully have chicks? I have heat lamps I could start turning on at night if that helps. I just don't want her to sit on eggs if success is futile.
Since there is only four eggs, can I add more if I get them when they're still warm? Or is 5 days apart too long for those to be hatched and cared for by her? I would like the idea of having a few more eggs in there to boost odds.
In a few more days I will try to candle them. I've done a lot of reading, and by then it sounds like what i should be looking for is veins and an air sac. If I don't see those at seven or eight days should I discard the eggs or should I give it a chance because I'm new and some of the eggs are brown and I might miss it?
Egg size: our chickens are fairly young still and their eggs aren't huge. Does that matter?
Candling: It sounds like most people say not to candle too much. I don't want egg explosions though. Whats the best way to candle to not disturb the hen and not disturb the eggs? Maybe at night?
Background: Our chickens are 27 weeks old. We have 10 hens (mixed heritage breeds: brahmas, barred rocks, columbian rocks, australorps etc.) and one rooster. We have lots of room in our coop (its about 64 square feet) but I only put in 3 nesting boxes so there are only two available to the other hens. It doesn't seem to have changed anything, we are still getting the same egg production as before the cochin went broody. Any ideas or tips would be hugely appreciated. I've been searching lots, but it is hard to find info on the stuff I am curious about.
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