Broody Hen Parent Support


Premium Feather Member
Oct 15, 2022
Mountville, SC
My Coop
My Coop
One of my silkies (of course it had to be the drama queen), starting being broody about 5-days ago. thanks to the good people here, I have tried the “early intervention” remedies, cooling her down in a loving way, taking her off the nesting box and putting her on to roost at night (over-and-over again), and blocking the entrance to the nesting box (even though I have 9-hens and 6-nesting boxes- as soon as this one was blocked, the others just had to have it). Every time someone went near the nesting box hen or human when she was in it, she screeched like she was a demon possessed cat and tried to scratch and bite me when I moved her. Beginning this morning, she is in her own run. Now, please keep in mind she can see all 4-sides and it is within the run, so she can see the other hens and interact through the fencing. She has food and water and the snacks I gave the hens today, I gave her…even though she bites me every time I open the gate. Tonight, she will sleep in the other coop with the two hens that are in there (the coop she usually doesn’t sleep in, to keep her away from her preferred nesting box). What is making this so stressful, besides her screeching, is that the other hens take turns in twos, going to the fence to see her and when I come in, they look at me like I am a mass murderer. I think they think I am doing something bad to her. And…they won’t sit on my lap and let me sing to them like I usually do. Will they forget this? Thank you for listening to me.
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Yes they'll get over it. Probably would be easiest on you, her and the flock if you just put broodies in a dog crate immediately upon confirming they're broody, and keep them in there until they break. But a small run in view of the rest of the flock can work just fine as well (similar to what I often do), as long as she consistently stays in there during daylight hours at the very least.
Yes they'll get over it. Probably would be easiest on you, her and the flock if you just put broodies in a dog crate immediately upon confirming they're broody, and keep them in there until they break. But a small run in view of the rest of the flock can work just fine as well (similar to what I often do), as long as she consistently stays in there during daylight hours at the very least.
Thank you. It took me a long time and a great deal of time to get them to trust me. And even longer for them to want to be close. I love the relationship I have with them - as I’m sure you share. I don’t mind a little temporary distancing they are doing in order to help Beyoncé (my black silkie- my sister named her, it was what she wanted for her birthday), but I would not want it to be a long time. Thank you for your support, and encouraging words. Merry Christmas.
My my is she a stubborn one. She still has not broke. I feel bad for her but not bad enough to give up.
Normal for it to take 2-3 days to break if the breaking process is started immediately after confirming broodiness. If a bird sits longer, it can take longer to break. And some individuals are simply more broody than others (Silkies being notorious) so they can take even longer. I have a frequently broody Marans that usually takes 4-5 days to break.
Normal for it to take 2-3 days to break if the breaking process is started immediately after confirming broodiness. If a bird sits longer, it can take longer to break. And some individuals are simply more broody than others (Silkies being notorious) so they can take even longer. I have a frequently broody Marans that usually takes 4-5 days to break.
Thank you so much for your support. It is difficult to watch.
I too have a silkie that is going on two weeks of laying on the floor of the coop. She was laying eggs but hasn’t laid any for 2 weeks now yet she rarely gets up unless we pick her up and make her go out with the rest of her flock. We always gather eggs every day so there are none under her. We have no roosters either. I don’t have a wire dog crate to put her in. Any other suggestions?
I don’t have a wire dog crate to put her in. Any other suggestions?
Buy a crate, borrow one, or make some sort of enclosure to serve the same purpose (though after 2 weeks she probably does need to be elevated so cool air gets under her belly to cool it). My first broody breaker was a tea cart turned on its side and wrapped in chicken wire to form a "cage."
One of my silkies (of course it had to be the drama queen), starting being broody about 5-days ago. thanks to the good people here, I have tried the “early intervention” remedies, cooling her down in a loving way, taking her off the nesting box and putting her on to roost at night (over-and-over again), and blocking the entrance to the nesting box (even though I have 9-hens and 6-nesting boxes- as soon as this one was blocked, the others just had to have it). Every time someone went near the nesting box hen or human when she was in it, she screeched like she was a demon possessed cat and tried to scratch and bite me when I moved her. Beginning this morning, she is in her own run. Now, please keep in mind she can see all 4-sides and it is within the run, so she can see the other hens and interact through the fencing. She has food and water and the snacks I gave the hens today, I gave her…even though she bites me every time I open the gate. Tonight, she will sleep in the other coop with the two hens that are in there (the coop she usually doesn’t sleep in, to keep her away from her preferred nesting box). What is making this so stressful, besides her screeching, is that the other hens take turns in twos, going to the fence to see her and when I come in, they look at me like I am a mass murderer. I think they think I am doing something bad to her. And…they won’t sit on my lap and let me sing to them like I usually do. Will they forget this? Thank you for listening to me.
Are you sure you don't want to give her 3 eggs to hatch??? She doesn't need many and you will have chicks to keep or sell.

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