Broody Hen!!?? Should I take rooster out?


5 Years
Jan 26, 2014
Tucson az
One of my hens just went broody , she is in a chicken coupe with a rooster, should I take the rooster out and leave her by herself ?? Help plz??
I would recommend separating your broody hen from the rooster plus any other chickens. The main reason being so that the rooster won't bug her and so that any other hens won't be kicking her out and possibly cracking her eggs along with adding more eggs to her nest, which would give you a wide range of days of hatching. I hope that helps! :)
There is no reason to remove the rooster. My broodies all brood and raise chicks with more than one rooster present. My roosters protect the broodies and their babies from the others in the flock. I've even seen my rooster bring a grape leaf to a broody so she could feed it to the chicks.
I just don't want the rooster to keep trying to mate with her and break her broody ?? Could that happen???

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