Broody hens and day old chicks


6 Years
Apr 14, 2013

We've had two broody hens for a few weeks now. They both stay together in the same corner of the coop. Yesterday we picked up four day old chicks and placed them under the hens last night after dark. Today we're able to tell by feeling under the hens that at least two of the chicks are there. And we can hear them peeping.

We're wondering what we're supposed to do next. Will we need to provide chick food? My daughter just came back from the coop and she had held a handful of chicken food out to the hens and they devoured it like they hadn't eaten in a while, even though they're only a couple of feet away from the feeder. And how about water? We're not sure if we should put a small waterer next to them at this point.

Any help from someone who has gone through this?


I'm wjreese's wife, and I have an update! All 4 chicks are alive and well. We moved the 2 hens and 4 chicks into a more spacious pen in the garage yesterday, and everyone seems to be doing well. Today the babies were eating and drinking.

This is so exciting!

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