Broody in the Dog's Bed

Well, my hen is still there.

Hubby managed to drop a tool onto her eggs and break 4 whilst she was off the 'nest', so rapid substitution and she is back again and sitting pretty.

I think I will move her a few days before her 'due date'. She is a very laid back hen who is not at all bothered by people going into the outhouse to get tools, animal feed etc. so disturbance won't be an issue.

What day are they on?
She's on about day 3 (egg substitution means there is a bit of difference in the time they may hatch).

She's really low now and growling if any of the others come near her so she looks well and truly set. She didn't come off at all yesterday, so i have stood by her and given her food and drink on her 'nest'.

I think hens in your room would be a bit much though.....unless chicken poop would make a different style of room decoration!

Thankfully dog and broody are co-existing quite happily.

Mrs Grey is extra broody at the moment and I have sat next to her with food and water as she has not been out for 2 days. She was happy to drink and eat and doesn't get flustered or aggressive in my presence.

I think I may just leave her where she is as she is about as safe as it can get. On about day 19 I will place a couple of sheep hurdles with chicken wire around the outside in the corner as i did with my last broody hen who chose to brood outside between the house wall and domestic oil supply.

Maybe I have slightly crazy chickens as they rarely choose to brood in the pens. maybe they are just a bit too free-range if there can be such a thing!

Mrs Grey continues to behave like the model broody and Jared (dog) like the model Border Collie (well, that's not strictly true.....he has the energy of a flea on speed, but has never been taught to work sheep. He is, however, great with the chickens).

I'll post pics. if anything hatches!,


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