broody poo before the first egg?? UPDATE! First egg!!!! post 6!


12 Years
Jan 18, 2008
ok, my 2 pullets are about 18-20 weeks old. Tonight when I went to put them up, I noticed a HUGE poo in their cage. Looked almost like an egg. I am shocked they did something that large, honestly! LOL! But, from what I read, it sounds like a broody poo? Can they have a broody poo before they lay an egg? DH thought an owl had gotten in there, or something, and it was a mouse encased in poop! LOL! Anyway, I am sure it is from the chickens, specifically the Cornish. Does this mean eggs are on the way? Could there be an egg out in the yard or something?


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Looked around today and didn't find any eggs. Not sure what is going on. It was a huge poo, though. Looked a lot like an egg and was heavy. It was dried when I found it, so not sure about a smell. Does anyone have any ideas? It was just abnormally large.


My girls poo are HUGE. They are also about to lay. I just figured they are gonna be good layers.
I am so glad to find out im not crazy!! Today I saw what i thought were eggs on the ground only to find it was poo.. lololol Mine are 21 weeks old with no eggs yet... so DOES this mean any day now???
Well, she DID lay an egg! Last night I got in from the State Fair and found it. She layed it from the roost, so it had broken, but it was a small brown egg!
The night before I had noticed her bottom looking red and distended, but it wasn't swollen feeling. (yes, I felt my chicken's butt! DD almost
! LOL!) But it was a little warm. I asked her if she was going to lay an egg, and she just looked at me.
LOL! So, I was so excited when I got in last night and found it. I put her nest box up near her roost and she spent about 20 minutes getting it "just right". But, no egg so far, today. I know Cornish aren't known for laying a lot of eggs, but does anyone know how often I could expect one? Every few days, once a week, whatever. The problem is, my Boston Terrier was with me when I was cleaning up the egg mess, and she LOVED it. I am afraid she is going to start egg-hunting without me!

One thing though, I was very happy with how her egg looked! It was a beautiful brown color and had a bright orange yolk! Perfect! Just a little small. Probably about the size of a nice size guinea egg, maybe. And the shell was great. Not too hard but still firm enough that it didn't shatter when it hit the garage floor. They have their own coop, but apparently she feels more secure in the garage. So, I let them roost there.

Very exciting!
DH wasn't as excited, until he saw the egg this morning. Yes, I washed it and saved it to show him. DS wants to keep the egg shell forever and start a scrapbook for her! LOL! Then, when I showed him how large a Cornish egg should be, and explained that this was just her first egg and kind of a practice egg, he got a lot more interested! LOL! Then, I explained that Cornish weren't really egg-laying chickens, they were meat birds, and if we had egg-layers we would get a lot more eggs, he asked how many a week. I told him it wasn't unheard of for a good egg-laying hen to lay an egg a day, sometimes 2. Now, I know that is pretty rare for 2 eggs a day, but he doesn't! LOL! He was amazed! know what this means? Possibly a few more hens for me!
I think he was shocked she actually layed an egg! LOL!

So, fingers crossed! I am going to meet a member on here to trade some of my FIL's roos for some hens...maybe DH will let me get a few more for myself!

About 5 days after I posted my message here, one of my BRs started laying. She has laid everyday since then, still waiting on my others.

Congratulations, it's a great experience when they start earning their keep
Welll.. i STILL have no eggs

2 Welsummers, 2 Dominiques, 2 mahogany reds, 1 rhode island white.. all 24 wks old

2 Black Sex Links and 4 Red Sex Links.. all 22 wks old


Congrats on urs tho!!! There is still hope for mine b4 I heat up the grease.
Don't give up! The day before, Petunia's hiney looked really bald, red, and swollen. Keep an eye out for that!


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