Broody quit; my adventures in incubating the eggs


Sudden Reptile Fanatic
5 Years
Jul 8, 2018
My broody hen quit on day 12! I was so panicked and upset!

She was off of them for hours, but I think all of them are still alive.
I quickly got the eggs in my MagicFly incubator and got the correct temp and humidity.

This thread is going to be the remainder of the incubation process.

There are 11 eggs (all mixed breeds) and one looks to be way underdeveloped but is still moving!

I thought it’d be fun to show you guys this process or learning experience.
Yes, I have two. (You can never be too careful)
Great. I really don't like it when people insist that their built in thermometers are right. They usually aren't and you can't make that mistake.

How long have they been in the bator now?
Great. I really don't like it when people insist that their built in thermometers are right. They usually aren't and you can't make that mistake.

How long have they been in the bator now?
They’ve been in about 4-5 hours.
Also, you made very good points about the thermometer thing!!
Day 13 guys!
I’m going to post a picture of the underdeveloped egg and could someone tell me if I’m right and what day it’s on? It is moving like crazy so I know it’s still alive.
*not the best pics but I hope you guys can still tell*
Underdeveloped egg:

And here is one of the normal developing eggs:
Did someone say an egg after the broody started?

The second egg... what’s that red circle?
The circle (along with some lines) was how I knew which eggs belonged to the broody hen. I still am wondering why it’s so underdeveloped though. Also, do you know about what day it looks like it may be on?
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