Broody Silkie still laying! **Update**

Ugggh, sorry to keep bothering y'all, my Sweet Tuke is the most important factor so.... do I just take the eggs away and try to break her broody DETERMINATION or risk her working so hard with a heartbreak ahead?

I love my beautiful little hen more than I want more chicks!

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If there are eggs under her developing, I would mark them and leave them with her to hatch. Take any additional ones she lays. After this is all over, she will continue to go broody after she's laid quite a few eggs, so you'll want to keep taking them from her if you don't want her to hatch them.

She's very pretty by the way.
Thanks, Shayna, I think she's a doll but of course that's because she's mine!

She hasn't layed any more since Monday so she has three under her developing now.

What happened was she had been showing signs of being broody, I didn't have a clue why she was plucking out breast feathers, for a few days. We were busy and didn't get her Friday egg out and then she layed Saturday and started sitting on them. Then we found another one under he on Monday... so that's one that is 2 days younger than the other ones she started sitting on Saturday.

I'm going to just leave them as long as they are developing. She gets off the nest once a day to do her business and eat then right back onto the eggs she goes. I'll update if anything changes.
I candled the three eggs again this morning and they are all still growing! Maybe two chicks somewhere close to Saturday and the last one a day or so later. I'm getting excited. She still only gets off the nest once a day.
Tuke has hatched two of the three eggs. I don't know if she will stay on the nest for the last one but the ones that have hatched look good!

Oh, good for her! You could check that third egg tomorrow and see if there's a baby in there that has broken through the inner membrane. Fingers crossed for you!
The LAST one just hatched!! I'm sooo relieved and happy!! 100% hatch rate from a pullet! They all look perfect now, I can only pray at this point that they all thrive and do well, they are so tiny if's scary! Thank you to everyone who gave me hope and encouragement!!!

I'll try to post once again when they are all fluffed out and growing... again thank you for being here BYC, you got me though all the worry and stress!! BTW, Silkies are wonderful and so enriching! When Jack said I needed Silkies in my life I never dreamed I could love chickens like this!!


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