Broody V. Bambi


11 Years
Jan 16, 2010
Powhatan Va
So one of my BOs started going broody on me, I had plucked her off the nest box and taken her out to join the others for a nice spa day. (dust bath and sunbathing) so far so good, she stayed in the dust bath, and the others wandered around, I notice there is a deer grazing close by, young, but not a baby, teenager, and he sees Sasha (broody) kicking up the dust and decided to go see what it was. She got about two feet from Sasha when she was noticed. . Sasha puffed up and just went after the poor deer. Well you know how broodys can be, poor deer just about did a backflip!
Have not seen it around in a few days
Just thought I would share. Oh and Sasha has gotten the cage treatment and is back on track.
That story put a smile on my lips and a giggle in my belly. I can see the deer skeedattling out of there!
That reminds me of once when one of our roosters was loose and in a stinking bad mood. He knew he wasn't supposed to go out in the road, but he marched down anyway. Just then a lady came by on a horse and Gregory just glared at that horse like, "I could totally kick your butt." The horse looked pretty surprised. :)

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