
i just got a broody hen! this is my first one! ahhh im excited. She is a Mix between an old english game hen and a serama. She is very small! her name is rosie. Here is a pic and a video of her!

Now the video!!

I am getting a couple of fertilized eggs. Silkie eggs cause they are small.... and i like silkies.... How many eggs do you think she can fit under her?
how did the candling go? We candled tonight, we know 2 are ok, not sure about the other three, we candled so fast and was not sure what we saw lol, but we did see movement in 2

Candling was good, we're guessing about 9 out of 11. We'll be checking again in a week just to check and them removing the eggs that aren't going to hatch. We've been having some egg stealers possibly. This morning I went out there and the hen plus her box was covered in yolk (Along with all the other eggs...will they still hatch?) so we're guessing she either squashed one or we've had something trying to steal them. :/
The eggs hatched so far I see 2 hope there will be more.
How exciting.

Leave her with the flock if you can, the first few days, I get down early to let the layers out to free range, mama will stay fairly close to the coop, and usually after they hatch, she creates a new nest on the floor. She usually keeps herself between the chicks and the flock, and as they get a bit older, another hen, might give a peck, but mama usually gives them an attitude adjustment.

It is so much fun to have a broody hen, I am praying for one now! My good one finally died last year.

Our girl is doing wonderful, never lease the nest until I take her out to poo and eat and drink. Just got her out, wow she is eating good lol, what a load lol. But she refuses to eat out side her nest box, hence I have to take her out, feed her and water her and let er poop out side.
Today I mixed wheat bread, pellets, ad yogert for her. She loved it. It's day 11 and she is still looking good, but feels a bit thinner, do I need to take her out side more to eat the food and water ? She refuses to even hand feed while sitting in her nest box.
I'm going INSANE! My white leghorn, Meggy, has gone broody! She sits on the nest 24/7. We don't have a rooster so the eggs won't hatch. My friend's hatching eggs in her class and volunteered me to take them!
At least Meggy will have her brood.
Ok, newbie here who wants to learn so.... :) I have two hens and a roo, same age, breed, color and from same seller but gotten by me from two different owners. One hen is broody- a thing the previous owner warned me of but what do I know!? I am keeping them all in the same coop-- I know, I know, I didn't quarantine them. To my credit I am quarantining the pullets from them. That said, they are in the same coop and this morning when I went out the roo and broody are shacked up in the same box. What should I do or think of this. Clearly I haven't received my copy of "Raising chickens for dummies" yet. Will they have fertile eggs??? Should I wait to take their eggs? Will I even GET eggs??
Ok, newbie here who wants to learn so.... :) I have two hens and a roo, same age, breed, color and from same seller but gotten by me from two different owners. One hen is broody- a thing the previous owner warned me of but what do I know!? I am keeping them all in the same coop-- I know, I know, I didn't quarantine them. To my credit I am quarantining the pullets from them. That said, they are in the same coop and this morning when I went out the roo and broody are shacked up in the same box. What should I do or think of this. Clearly I haven't received my copy of "Raising chickens for dummies" yet. Will they have fertile eggs??? Should I wait to take their eggs? Will I even GET eggs??

if you want chicks let her go, if you do not remove eggs. she maybe broody for some time as long as she finds eggs lol, but if you allow her to set on those eggs and therefertile which Im pretty sure they might be, well you got chicks in 21 days :)
She doesn't have ANY eggs! Its silly. She's in there with a roo for the first time but has been broody for a bit with her previous owner. Another chicken fanatic told me to GET eggs for her. Are chickens secretly like rabbits. You get get one and you get a hundred before you know it?? I don't mind but now I have to find eggs! (I sound like a grumbly hen myself right now)
Ash-- Someone told me that this is what they refer to as "chicken math". In our situation they used the term because I claimed I was going to buy 6, ordered 8, and came home with 10. Lol, what can I say......... My family is already placing orders for eggs when they start laying and if they all take a dozen a week they way they say they are going to, I don't think I have enough chickens!

Bummed that we have another 4-5mos (I think) to wait since our chickys are only 5weeks old right now. Thinking if we can convince one of them to sit on eggs in a year or two my little girl will be big enough to be involved and love it! Here's to hoping we can keep everyone doing well until then!

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