Brower Humidaire M-100 - I got it Pictures!!!

Do you have a place to put 400 chicks? See, that's where I'd get myself in trouble....our basement can only hold so many brooders!
Well, dd has it all planned out. We have a local small animal auction place that you can sell them and get a pretty penny for them. They have sales on the 3rd Sunday of every month. Her plan is to set the eggs so they hatch 2-3 days before the sale. then she only has to keep them for a short time...

Rubbermaid long skinny tall containers work WONDERS!!! I will try to get pics of that too when I put pics of the incubator. We also use the big cattle water tank for keeping the little ones in. It has nice high sides and we put a tarp over the top to keep them warmer and a heatlamp. It works pretty good!
I think you forgot about the 'endless supply of chicken feed!'

Oh, and I absolutely LOVE Major hatching!! You are lucky you have that name! You need to get some 'farm' signs, Major hatchery!
Wow. I am totally jealous. Or should I say, "MAJOR-ly Jealous?"

Your fantastically good deal combines my two favorite loves-antiques and egg hatching!


Can't wait to see a picture.
that is what I thought too Patchesnposies. I love antiques and I have thoughts of grandeur of converting the spare basement catch all room to a brooder room. DH does not know this plan yet....BWAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA! He does not know the monster he has just enabled!
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I just mentioned to my hubby today that some day I'd like a bird room....he asked what for and I said "Oh, ya know, the buttons...incubators etc." I didn't want to scare him and call it a brooding room!

I really can't wait to see your bator Jenny, it sounds so nice!
ok here we go before and after pictures of this beautiful piece of work! The inside is redwood slats, all around the entire inside circle of the drum, and on the sides. It has 3 drawers that pull out with hardware cloth bottoms and 2 support rods underneath. Well just look



picture of drawers

pictures of the lower cabinet

picture of the humidaire thingy

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