Brown leghorn we think


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 29, 2011
We got three chicks from someone who bought a batch of mixed layers online. We know one is white leghorn and the other is a buff orpington but the third is unknown. We think it might be brown leghorn. And if that's the case, we don't know if it's a roo or hen. Right now Chef is 5 weeks old.
You can see the reddish chest feathers here and the lovely striping showing on the back of the neck.

You can also see the comb is reddened up earlier than the Buff or White Leghorn.

Chef's turning out pretty though she/he started life looking more like a squirrel.
Still, we had to give away our lovely RIR because "Zoe" was a roo. Chef hasn't developed the T-Rex legs that the RIR developed. We really hope Chef's showing hen colors.
Any opinions?
White egglayers have a white earlobe right ? I dont see a white earlobe but that could come a he/she matures, but it could also be a Weslummer? I also think Rooster.

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