BR's - Is this a Roo, and wanna guess the age?


10 Years
May 28, 2010
Carson, Iowa
I have had these little ones for about 2 weeks. When I got them I was told they were going on 7 weeks. Folks on here were kind enough to point out that they were nowhere near that old. No problem. We kinda figured so, and guessed 4 or 5 weeks (making them 6 weeks or so now). Now I think I have at least 3 Roo's out of the 10 chicks we picked up. I am posting a couple of picks of one of the suspected Roo's. I named him Dave, after my Best Buddy, who is always hanging out with the chicks, but never can get their attention.
I am also posting a pic of the group to see if anyone would venture a shot at the actual age of this group.

Dave in the coop:

Dave, up close, and not diggin' it one bit!

The group at closing time, ready for bed. Can you guess the ages? I noticed that their legs/feet have been getting darker lately.

ALSO, notice the chick at the bottom left. It has different markings than the others. I have 2 like this. Familiar to anyone?
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Roos are pretty easy to spot in your group pic-- they are much lighter than the pullets. In your pic I see 4 roos and (I think) 4 pullets. That first one is a roo. On age... not sure, about a month? I'm sure someone else will know better.
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LOL-- it's so frustrating! I have chicks that are only 13 days old and I'm DYING to know! We can't have roosters here so I NEED to know!

In your pic all of the light ones that I can see have noticeably more comb development... so I think it's a pretty safe bet.
Generally yes. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule.

I don't have room for exceptions!!


LOL, it's pretty rare I think. I've seen 1 picture of a male that had darker female coloring. But I think you're pretty safe with 4 males and 4 females.
In ways I would agree for a fact the Dave is a Roo but the other I am not to sure just because I also have 2 BR and well one everyone thought it was roo but it ended up it really is a pullet. Roos will be pretty much white with black strips but here are my two pullets. These are 7 weeks old.

the one everyone thought was a roo

the other one


there is a difference in there color but they are both pullets

and look to see if they have like a black line going down their legs if they do they are pullets
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