Yesterday I noticed a pretty big welt on our light brahma's face. Checked all the other chicks, no one else has got any similar signs. She doesn't seem to be too bothered by it, letting me check it out. It doesn't feel hard or hot. She's clucking and foraging, seems happy and normal. We recently started letting them free range on 1.5 acres. We have lots of goatheads on our property in Northern Colorado (I know when I step on one I feel it for a few days). Mosquitos have also been coming out a lot, as Ive had a few bites already this April. Her plume feels a little small but they're only 4months old, so they all feel small to me. There is no leakage from her eyes or signs of cloudiness. Not sure if it is an absess that needs to be drained and don't want to poke at it if it's not. Help! Sting? Bite? Absess? Something more serious!? It looks more on the face than in the eye to me
The last photo is the other side of her face which seems normal.
The last photo is the other side of her face which seems normal.