Bubbles in poop.

Since she has a history of lash eggs my first guess would be that this is a continuation of that. Salpingitis is what it's called, and it's not considered contagious. It's notorious for not responding to antibiotics unless caught really early. Often by the time symptoms are seen, it's already advanced. I've lost several to it, with a couple of them antibiotics have maybe bought them some more time, but I personally have not had one recover. Some birds will do well for quite some time with it, some pass quickly. I've had them last 18 months or so, some passed within a few months. Lash material is sometimes passed, but often it just builds up inside, can make it difficult for them to digest and hard to pass droppings, sometimes can cause a complete blockage. I obviously can't say for certain that is what is going on, but from your information, that would be my guess. So sorry.
I have a hen who has bubbles in her watery poop. How concerned should I be!?
What I would do is take it to my state lab. They test things for 10-15 dollars. Will test for disease and parasites. You should see if there is one near you and give them a call. I actually spoke to the doctor there they were very excited and happy to help me with my problem. That's in Florida though lol That would be my easiest precautionary solution because I'm not too experienced with the lash eggs you guys are talking about because I've never had to deal with it, but testing it would be what I'd do so I'd know for sure what it is

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