Bubbles the Silver Dorking - From on deaths door to hatching her own brood *Pic heavy*

The photos of hen and chicks are adorable.

That sounds like a pretty good hatch overall.

I have hatched from the incubator before and helped some chicks hatch, but it seems those who had difficulty hatching on their own were more likely to have a congenital problem or failure to thrive and died early on. It is hard to say whether it is better to let nature take its course or not. Either way it is sad.

Here's two of the Favs this morning - both going all Christopher Columbus and exploring.

The injured bantam Rock. Good thing is she made it through the night and seemed stronger than yesterday so
she keeps perking up.
Thank you everyone. I just want to sit and watch them all day but alas! One has to earn an income to support my chicken obsession so it was off to work for me this morning, albeit a bit bleary eyed from a restless sleep worrying about the little Rock.
Thank you JensChickies.

I think if I get a chick injured like that again I'll immediately separate it from the rest. We live and learn.

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