Buckeye Breed Thread

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For the Buckeye, I would agree with that wholeheartedly. For the Welsummers, as long as I'm getting 4-5 eggs a week from them, then color trumps productivity. Coinciding with that is egg size as I try to hatch the largest and brownest eggs. Of course, Type must always be a priority.

God Bless,
A search for those keywords yields at TON of stuff to sift through. Author search didn't net any less

It sounds like I am going to be snowed in for about 4 days. Plenty of time to search if nobody else remembers where the info is located. Sounds like a good read.

I'll talk to Casey about the list, get it and add it to this post fer ya!
Had to call my Mom and say we would be staying home too. She is gonna cancel her event. Doesn't want anyone taking a chance. We are on the 12" to 17" line.......
I ran across this one for you genetics people.

Knowning as Rolling Matings, this system has been in use for many years and is one of the easiest as far as record keeping is concerned.

Basically, it involves breeding cocks to pullets and stags to hens.

For example, let's say you start with a trio, 2 hens and 1 cock bird (not related).

First year: breed the non-related cock to the 2 hens. Once the chicks are grown save the 2 best stags (you should always save twice as many as you need) and the best pullets.

Second year: breed the original hens to their sons and the pullets to their father. Once the chicks are grown save the best stags and best pullets.

Third year: Now is when the matings really begin to 'roll.' Your pullets from last year are now hens; so, they join the original two. Your stags are now cocks and join the original cock. Take your stag(s) that were hatched in year 2 and breed them to the hens; take your cocks and breed them to the pullets hatched in year 2.

And so on and so forth...................
Each year you should cull your hens and cocks to the best birds just like you do the pullets and stags. There are variations of this method, but you can figure those out yourselves. This system is easy and it works extremely well.
Thanks for posting that info. Sounds simple (and who knows how in depth I will get. I have two modes. Ya, that's going to do the job, and sure let's put a second mortgage on the house to do it better than anyone else. I can afford the first method...... Love the second

This whole chicken thing is worse than crack!
Thanks for posting that info. Sounds simple (and who knows how in depth I will get. I have two modes. Ya, that's going to do the job, and sure let's put a second mortgage on the house to do it better than anyone else. I can afford the first method...... Love the second

This whole chicken thing is worse than crack!

Yes, it can be. Trevor got me started with one Vorwerk pullet fron a show now I have 5 and a rooster and am hatching right now!


The little yellow headed thing is the smllest one I've ever hatched ! On the left is a bantam Buttercup. Thats my first of those too! You're right, worse than crack! Now, the Buckeyes coming up in a few days............
Really interesting rant by the Buckeye guru of Alabama........gave me a laugh!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Buckeye Fans!
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Query .. my buckeyes seem to be correct in confirmation per your pictures however one hen , of course my favorite, has white speckels on the back of her head ??? Is that something that just shows up or does it indicate which line she comes from ??
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