Buckeye Breed Thread

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I just want to let folks know there is someone passing around photos of Buckeyes that they are claiming are from my line. The person from whom they are saying they got these birds (who bought birds from me several years ago) tells me they did not sell birds to this person.

The pictures show birds that are not good examples of Buckeyes at all. I cannot say where the birds in question came from, but what I can say is, if someone didn't buy birds directly from me, then they cannot say they have my birds. Especially if they are using examples of bad birds, and using them to sully my reputation.

If someone buys birds from me, and then sells offspring from those birds later, I certainly cannot be held responsible for the results.
Nice to know you stand by your "Line" of birds. If you don't want people claiming that birds come from your line of breeding, don't sell em.
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Nice to know you stand by your "Line" of birds. If you don't want people claiming that birds come from your line of breeding, don't sell em.
Standing by your line of birds has nothing to do with it. If you didn't buy them directly from the breeder, all you can say is that they are descended from that person's stock, but they are not that person's line. That's true no matter who the breeder is. (Just ask Joe Schumaker or better still just go to his site, it's right there on the first page) At another website, a gentleman named Dave Trapold Jr posted a nice link the other day that makes it easy to understand. If you don't happen to know Dave to get the link from him, (I don't, but I remembered his name), then maybe I can find that article for you.

"Ignorance is a choice."
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Walt, this has been in discussion of late on some other forums. However, on page 12 of the SOP you can find the definition of STRAIN as opposed to LINE when referring to the lineage of any given bird or group of birds. I am sure you know what difference I am referring to with your vast experience in the poultry world. That was all I was pointing out to WyandotteTX.
Standing by your line of birds has nothing to do with it. If you didn't buy them directly from the breeder, all you can say is that they are descended from that person's stock, but they are not that person's line. That's true no matter who the breeder is. (Just ask Joe Schumaker or better still just go to his site, it's right there on the first page) At another website, a gentleman named Dave Trapold Jr posted a nice link the other day that makes it easy to understand. If you don't happen to know Dave to get the link from him, (I don't, but I remembered his name), then maybe I can find that article for you.

"Ignorance is a choice."
I think standing by your Line of birds has ALL to do with it. If you are so proud of your birds you sell them to anyone and everyone for an easy buck then you should accept the repercussions, good or bad. As for the two gentleman you mentioned, I am sure they are fine people but am I supposed to know or care who they are?
I have known many outstanding breeders in my days, many of them Master Breeders and Exhibitors within the fancy but I don't feel the need to name drop. I would guarantee they knew every single person who had their birds and would stake CLAIM to anyone else that those birds were from them no matter how many generations had passed. Guess a different day and a different level of responsibility in ones own efforts.
Ignorance is a choice, especially when you come on here and get advice from people who have all of a couple of years experience with their Styrofoam incubator and their 5 birds, fluffy, pookey, sniffles, sad eyes and Leroy.
But that's just me......
I think standing by your Line of birds has ALL to do with it. If you are so proud of your birds you sell them to anyone and everyone for an easy buck then you should accept the repercussions, good or bad. As for the two gentleman you mentioned, I am sure they are fine people but am I supposed to know or care who they are?
I have known many outstanding breeders in my days, many of them Master Breeders and Exhibitors within the fancy but I don't feel the need to name drop. I would guarantee they knew every single person who had their birds and would stake CLAIM to anyone else that those birds were from them no matter how many generations had passed. Guess a different day and a different level of responsibility in ones own efforts.
Ignorance is a choice, especially when you come on here and get advice from people who have all of a couple of years experience with their Styrofoam incubator and their 5 birds, fluffy, pookey, sniffles, sad eyes and Leroy.
But that's just me......

It takes just one year to totally ruin a line/strain of birds.....how can anyone be responsible for bad breeding after they sold the birds....if that is in fact what happened. This kind of garbage is the reason I rarely sell a bird to anyone...I don't want my name attached to someones bad choices in breeding. There is an article about this in the last PP.

Walt, this has been in discussion of late on some other forums. However, on page 12 of the SOP you can find the definition of STRAIN as opposed to LINE when referring to the lineage of any given bird or group of birds. I am sure you know what difference I am referring to with your vast experience in the poultry world. That was all I was pointing out to WyandotteTX.

Yes, it defines 'Strain". It does not say why that is different from "line" and they are used interchangeably online...and other places......have been for the 50 years I have been doing this. The point is that there is an effort to discredit a person and this effort is using a lot of energy that could be used to promote the breed rather than running down people. Every time there is more than one club there is a reason...and it is usually the same reason. The bottom line is the breed suffers and usually a person does not have to be a genius to figure out who the bad guys are.

My suggestion is that folks promote the breed rather than ill will. These are just chickens folks........

I can agree with some of what you say there, Walt. But I think we both know that you can't destroy a strain in one generation. That is just nonsense. But if that is what you want to believe, that is fine. If that were the case then there is no such thing as a strain unless it is confined to just one breeder and their birds in their own barn, period. Is that what you are saying? So there is no ALBC strain unless it is at the one place they are bred and kept in a closed line-breeding system? There is no Urch strain unless they are at Duane's farm? You see what I am getting at?
But you are the one with the 50+ years of experience. I just know what I read in the SOP and I am going to keep using it to select my birds to try to match it.

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Well - I think the drama only pertains to those posting it and swirling it up.

Anyone with a functioning brain knows they can only claim they have birds from X and thier peeps are decents from that strain. Heck breeders sell birds for pets that may not meet the standard, if those birds are used in a backyard situation for some peeps from a beloved bird - surely we can't claim any defect back to the breeder.

So I think we all know that and a gentle reminder from the breeder once in a while to bring it to the forefront is all that is needed.

I have an Ideal Buckeye .... fine. but she is SO endearing that now I am searching out breeders for next year's batch. Win win .... :)

Those with bad intentions can smash yourselves on the indifference of the sane people. (I am not aiming that at anyone here, as I don't know any of the history at all - just don't like the fur up :) here; so thought I would add in a view from someone that doesn't breed and has no dog in this hunt.)
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My suggestion is that folks promote the breed rather than ill will. These are just chickens folks........


Thank you Walt. Great advice.

I've recently decided to start raising Buckeyes, and came to this thread looking for information and friendly discussion.
And I found sniping. This is what drove me away from Ameraucanas.

Buckeyes are a wonderful breed and will benefit greatly from the sharing of ideas and civil debate.
So how about it? How are your breeding programs going? What are some of your successes, and what are you planning to work on this summer?

Take care all. I look forward to being a part of this group and working to improve this great breed.
I am very new to raising chickens and have 25 Buckeye chicks that will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. I am very happy to have them and hope I can do my part to carry on and hopefully do the breed justice. Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this group.
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