Buckeye Breed Thread

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Point of order:

"Buck" was given to my children by a wonderful lady, originally from Ohio, Jen Scott. These victories should have been Jen's. My children fully understand they are winning off of Jen's labors. It is most appreciated! The least they could do today was to offer up a free PBJ sandwich to their new best friend, Jen!

I recall when I first learned of exhibition poultry, only one fellow would help me. Mr. Suiter. Four years later I learned he had lied about the location of the nearest poultry show; that he was a dealer, not a breeder; and that $30 Golden Sebright was actually a $3.00 cull!

It is so nice that breeders like Jen give up a champion to the youth. In return, we give full credit to Jen; Dave; the ALBC and Ms. Metcalf!

Hi Jim-
Do you sell hatching eggs? Or ship day old chicks?


Not until after August when my pullets start laying!

At least I hope its August or at least early September.
Actually your chances of combining them in the new coop with all new surroundings is at least better than trying to put them together in someone elses territory. They will all be newcomers and therefore be a little unsure of themselves. I would be sure to do it while I was there to intervene if necessary.
Actually your chances of combining them in the new coop with all new surroundings is at least better than trying to put them together in someone elses territory. They will all be newcomers and therefore be a little unsure of themselves. I would be sure to do it while I was there to intervene if necessary.
Thank you was hoping that would be true.But since this is a new breed for me don't know all aspects of their personalities! They atre very self assured and busy!!!
Is there a way to search this thread only for particular past posts? I'm interested in the lines that various members have. javascript:insert_text('

Also, any response to my question regarding when to band? Do most routinely wait until the chicks are 6 mo and use adult size bands? What size would adults use?


Janet Hatch
Kingston, MO
Hi Janet, great to see you here!

You could just ask folks what lines they have.

I am currently working with a cross of Brown (via Matt John) x ALBC birds, but this spring got some directly from Duane Urch that I will be crossing into my line. So next year will be Brown/ALBC/Urch birds.

Whose in particular are you interested in?

I have something curious going on with my chickens. I have 14 Buckeyes and 6 Jersey giants in the coop with plenty of roosting boards about 30 inches high. They are all about 11 weeks old. They are really doing well and growing fast. The curious thing is that the giants are roosting and the buckeye's huddle together on the floor still acting like chicks. I guess I don't think its a problem just making conversation.
Mine do that too i thought that it was weird but then i realized that the person that I got my Buckeyes from didn't even have roosts for them to roost on (from my memory). I had one that roosted above the others that were huddling
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