Buckeye Breed Thread

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I have had a slight change in plans. Headed to Hot Springs in the morning, staying at a Royal Rangers campout/training until Sunday morning, then driving on to Tulsa. Will have some birds with me, with feed/water. Am taking them to a friend. If anyone wants any of Jen's chicks, they better email her tonight and make arrangements with her and see if she will deliver to me by about 9 am. I can bring one of my tote brooders for the chicks this weekend and plug them into my inverter while enroute.
I have a question: I'm making up a chart (for my own use) of the breeds that are good winter layers, and I thought Buckeyes were included in that group, but the Henderson Chicken breed chart doesn't include the 'winter layer' symbol with the Buckeye write-up. Can anyone verify that Buckeyes are (or aren't) good winter layers?

And, I've finally got Buckeyes! Got part of my order from Sand Hill Preservation Center, and had a few Buckeyes in it, along with the Mille Fleur Leghorns I'd ordered, and a bunch of Exchequer Leghorns thrown in as freebie packing peanuts. They said they'll send the rest of my order in two weeks, with a couple more Buckeyes in it. I've lost three chicks already (they just came yesterday), looks like one of each breed. (Got to e-mail and let them know so they can replace the lost Mille Fleur and Buckeye.) I'm anxious to see how they turn out!


ETA: There were eight Buckeye's in my order (still two more to come), and so far I've lost three of them, one of the Mille Fleurs, and one of the Exchequers.
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Well, I am trying this beed also becaue of winter hardiness. I live about 2.5 southeast of you and out weather is just about the same. Everything I've read says they are extremely cold hardy, but don't mention the frequency of winter laying. I have 8 buckeye chicks I hatched 2 weeks ago, one being a runt with a leg problem. If the chicks in your order don't make it, or they don't replace them, let me know. I get up your way occasionally, and we might be able to work something out. My chicks came from someone off eggbid who got his birds at an auction. So, breeding quality is not certain, but fine for trying out probably. I am expecting an order from them mid-month, so we'll see how that goes...no buckeyes in it, but lots of other fun breeds.
Buckeyes don't care about the cold, they honestly don't. If they have feed, water and enough light to get in a full day of eating and foraging they will lay like champs.

Here in Ohio a couple of years ago it went down to -17 with a very stiff wind, I had 35 buckeyes laying and we ended up with 27 frozen rock hard hockey pucks. If you take care of your birds and exceed their feed requirements with additional plant and animal protein they will exceed your expectations when it comes to laying.
Good morning Mr. Dave,
I've got an empty coop/run now waiting on the chicks to arrive. Quick question, what temperatures do you stop shipping chicks at? It's been in the 90s out here the last couple of days...hopefully a cool front will come in at the last of the month so you can ship.

Thanks, Dave, that helps! I knew they were winter hardy, but wasn't going to read back through this whole thread to see if anyone had mentioned their winter laying ability! I have to add that winter hardiness and winter laying don't necessarily correlate, as I had some Easter Eggers who were also very winter hardy, but they quit laying in October and I didn't get a single egg from them again until late January. I've sold them, but do miss those big green eggs!

I have been reading up on Buckeyes and would like to start with reputable blood. Where can I purchase chicks? I don't know of many in North Mississippi with this breed where I could purchase. Can anyone give me direction where to purchase?.....Janet in Mississippi
jenjscott, BYC member, lives in South East AR somewhere. You might PM her if you want to get them close and within driving distance (I got my birds from her). BuckeyeDave is in Ohio and Pathfinders is in KY...I would PM anyone of those folks for a good birds...good luck!
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