Buckeye Day old chicks from Heritage Lines

Where is the best place for my hens to lay eggs, my horses keep stepping on them please give me a anwser I lost 37eggs in the last month
Where is the best place for my hens to lay eggs, my horses keep stepping on them please give me a anwser I lost 37eggs in the last month

If you have them truly free ranging all day then they are most likely going to lay wherever they choose...if you have a way to confine them in a fenced area with access to a coop and semi-private nestboxes, especially if you keep them contained for a little while ( so they have no other option but to lay their eggs in an enclosed area where at least the horses aren't able to squish 'em) they should start to lay in the nestboxes. I don't let mine out of their extra large run area until later in the day, by that time they have usually finished their laying.
Just wanted to say I received my chicks from Travis today. They are healthy and adorable!! Thank you Travis.

[/IMG] and totally loving my new Brinsea EcoGlo!
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