
Amazing cage size! That's perfect for two budgies! But I noticed a lot of rope perches and frizzle toys. They are okay but birds can injest them sometimes and cause a lot of problems. So I suggest lowering the number of rope and frizzle toys there. Also you can get seemingly natural wooden perches which are like in one end very big and one end small. Basically they are rough and they are better for the budgie's feet. The perches I see are dowel perches and extremely bad for your budgie's feet so I suggest you change them too!:)
Thanks, I’ll watch out but those types of toys seem to be their favorites, they ignore other kinds, and also I’ve never seen them eat or gnaw on the rope perched at all and they’ve been in there since I set the cage up last March but I’ll watch out to be sure. But they don’t seem at all interested in them. And I thought the issue with dowels was mostly if that was the only perches they had? And/or if they were the same size? They climb on the narrow bars a lot too so do exercise their feet 🥰
It's a myth that dowels, just by being dowels, hurt their feet. I have raised more than 100 birds over like a decade, using all manner of perches, but rarely without dowels. Dowels are completely, 100% safe perches that are easy to fit in the cage and easily cleaned. And given a choice, many of my birds favor them over alternatives as sleeping spots for their level, even surface.

The myth stems from large (read: heavy) parrots historically kept in small round cages with one dowel. The bird, without any exercise to its feet, got arthritis and pressure sores and was also obese from the poor diets provided to parrots last century and before, exacerbating the problem.

The dowel was not to fault. The lack of any freedom of movement and multiple sized perches to sit on was to blame. A few sizes of dowel perch in a cage is all that is required to maintain foot health in cage birds, though they enjoy more varied things to sit on like springs and swings and natural sticks with bark to chew.

But dowels will not hurt you bird unless one is the only thing they have to stand on for years on end.
Thanks, that makes sense. They do have variety between the rope and dowels and do also climb on the cage bars. I tried adding the branch but they seemed scared ? I’ll try again
@EmmaRainboe @ColtHandorf did you ever have budgies?
rats swarm GIF

Vermin. lol

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